Part 54

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"Rey, Come back Little Roger. 14, Dime, Target, River, Darling, Red, Apples." Shigaraki spoke and Yagi was on guard and held me but he then looked to me in front of him and I shuffled back pushing him out of the way as I held my head..

"G-get.. G-argh!! Get Back!!!" I said now and Yagi now furrowed his brow and knew he couldn't reveal his identity in front of Shigaraki.. He then resorted to running and as he did he made around the corner to meet the other heroes.. They eyed me and how I was on the ground head on the ground and strained it seemed as my back arched... Yagi was out of time as All Might so he was instructed by Aizwa to stay back after he told and informed them all of what happened with me and what all of this was going on. Then they rushed in and saw the scene..

"Rey!!" Aizawa shouted, needing to get to me.. But then Shigaraki repeated the words and it did it..

"14.." He spoke and I jolted, raising my head to Shiggy.. I then widened my eyes as I stared to him, flickering my eyes from blank to color and I was hyperventilating.. But Aizawa hollered at me once more as did Dabi.. but then Davy came up behind him.. He eyed me and I eyed him and his eyes flickered with some emotion but only for a second and he then returned to soldier no emotions or fucks given.. I then shuffled to my feet caught in the middle of this..

"S-shi-ga-ra-ki... Let my brother GO!!!" I said now and held my head as the others eyed me with urgency that something was happening to me.. But then they heard Shiggy speak some more and it had an effect on me..

"Dime.." Shiggy said now and I now shouted. Causing everything to stop.

"Aghhhhh!!!! Not.. the words!! Fucking shut up! I'm not going back.. I can't go back!!" I said now stopping my assault entirely and backed away terrified as I held my head. The rest now looked to my shaking form and Aizawa rushed over to me. I shuffled back and Shiggy then spoke some more.. Causing me to slow down from my stride to a halt.

"Target.... River..." Shiggy spoke now and Aizawa watched me as my resolve was fading and it was like me being under Shinsou's quirk.. I was struggling to move and then my eyes flickered.. And I dropped my arms from my fighting stance.

"Darling." Shiggy spoke and then I turned around to face the others... but my face was neutral and that of a hollowed shell... I was not Rey Dona..

"A..Ai-..a-zaw..a.." I spoke now but then Shigaraki smiled widely as he spoke the last phrase.

"RED APPLES.." Shiggy said finally and Aizwa lost it. He went along with the others to fight off Shigaraki but then.. Thye got to me first and aizaw held me as Hawks and ashi went in front.. He looked to me but I was neutral.. Completely out of it.. I didn't have any emotional expression.. And my eyes were dull. Aizawa was freaking out a bit seeing me like how Shinsou's quirk worked... but now with works from Shigaraki.. He needed me to wake up.

"Rey.. Rey!.. What's wrong.. What's happening to you?.." Aizawa tried talking to me but nothing worked.. He set me down to the side seeing the rest were fighting Dabi too seeing he couldn't play the hero part for the plan to work.. And Kurogiri was also there.. But why was the real qestion. Why was Shigaraki here? For me? And how did he put me under some sort of mindcontrol? Was it brainwashing? Aizawa kept looking me up and down trying to stay calm but it was hard seeing me so unresponsive and him not knowing why...

"Rey! You need to wake up!" Aizaw shouted now nd shook my shoulders but nothing ws woking.. Then he looked back and he stood up leaving me there to join in the fighting.. I was left with Yagi and he carried me out to a safer area.. But as he did I turned my head to him.

"Rey?" Yagi asked me in his thin for worried for me obviously but then I shuffled back and I looked to the fighting.. Then just then Shigaraki hollered for me and I sped up immeadiatly with immense speed. Yagi's eyes widened at how I was just here and then gone the next. He then rushed back over now seriously needing to understand the situation but all of their eyes widened, especially Aizawa's as I went for him and held a cold deathly stare of no emotions or any signs of consciousness on the inside of me... He cried and teared up as he felt my punches and more blows to him as he didn't want to hurt me..

Under-editing | Bnha x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now