Part 52

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"Hey.. what's wrong?" Katsuki said now but I then showed him my hand with wide eyes and he too eyes them...

"Woah.. What happened?" Katsuki asked me and I furrowed my brows sort of shocked still.

"I..I don't know.." I said now and he looked over my hand once more and then Aizawa noticed and came by.. He then looked to both of our wide eyes and he now saw and took a look.

"Rey.. how did this.." Aizawa spoke but I didn't know either.

"It just happened after trying to regenerate from that last blow.. But it healed my fingers.. And my palm too.." I said now and he then had me bingout my other hand but this one was still scared.

"Can you try and regenerate your other hand, Rey?" Aizawa asked me but I shook my head.

"I'm not sure how.." I said now and then eyed both of my hands and nothing happened so we then dropped it and Aizawa kept an eyed on me for the rest of training. I then went back to punching Katsuki and he punching me and we ended the training smirking at each other... But I pulled out my hand once more and looked it over.. So did Katsuki.

"It was scared up pretty bad before.. How did you manage to erase them like this? Your hand looks brand new." Kugo said and I nodded still not understanding either.

"I'm not used to it.. It looked like it's not my hand.. You know.." I said now and he eyed me furrowed browed as I focused in on my palm..

"Rey... maybe it was a trigger or something.. What were you thinking about when it happened?" Katsuki said now trying to make sense of it and I then furrowed my brows and spoke.

"Uh.. just about training and how my knuckles would be red from my ripped gloves.. I knew I was hurt and then it just happened.." I said now and he eyed me and then sighed.

"Well it was after a fight too and a good workout.. Maybe you need adrenaline for it to work?" Katsuki spoke and I looked to him realising it..

"Wait.. say that again.." I said now stopping him as we walked and I eyed him furrowed browed andhe eyed me too and then spoke.

"Maybe you need adrenaline?" He spoke now and it clicked.

"That's it! Adrenaline.. Like uh.. Knowing you need to keep up the fight.. Or something.." I said now and put up my fists and focused.. I then eyed Katsuki and he eyed me not sure what I was doing but then I eyed him in my fighting gaze and he flinched but then took a step back as I punched but he dodged.. He now furrowed his brows and got ready.. We went at it in the halls and people were eyeing us not sure if this was a school fight or not but this wasn't.

"You need to get me riled up, Kugo!" I shouted now as I punched air and he was now eyeing me like he knew that and he clenched his teeth and then brought his hand to my face and sparks went off and my eyes widened.. Then it happened.. I stoped and stood up normally as Katsuki panted out and looked to me.. Then my eyed widened as I unwrapped my left hand and we both looked to see it..

"Holy shit!" Katsuki now said and we both were wide eyed at my left hand now healed. We looked to each other but then Nezu walked down the halls to resolve our fighting issue but we had to apologize and we got detention but we were both smiling at each other and Nezu was curious as to why. I then hush hushed told him and his eyes widened he then snickered as he walked off but I still got detention. Then me and Katsuki were talking nonstop about the possibilities of this and just how useful this could be but as we got to our lockers finished for the day.. Aizawa was then in front of us and eyed us both sternly.

"Detention, Rey?" Aizawa asked me and we sweat dropped. But then I held up my other hand smiling and he now eyed it too and stopped his stern expression into that of being intrigued..

Under-editing | Bnha x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now