Chapter 4: Confrontation

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*Disclaimer - I do not own the copyright for Kingdom Hearts or Toaru Majutsu no Index series.


*A/N - Greetings, hope all is well. Been looking forward to updating this story. Thanks to the feedback I got for the last chapter, I will go back to my regular writing. With the Heartless showing up out of nowhere, Sora is sure to have a rough time. But even with all the trouble he'll be dealing with, he'll find some reward worth it all. Once again, thanks for checking the story out, and stay tuned for more.

**A/N - Sorry for the delay on this chapter. 


The sight of people running away, and screaming was all that anyone could see. Cars were still running but with no driver as they had left in a hurry. Bags of various sizes and shapes were sprawled all over the ground with their contents spilled. Screams could be heard as well from all over the place.

A businessman was running for his life and had managed to step wrong causing him to come crashing down and roll his body ending up with his back on the ground. Feeling light-headed, the man grasped his head and tried to regain his vision. That was when he felt his stomach drop and the color of his face go pale white. His hands and legs began to shake at an incredible speed.

There in front of him was a dark creature that had long claw-like hands with a humanoid figure and large yellow eyes. The creature tilted its head in a nonhuman way and looked down at the man. Fear began to overtake him, and his breathing was becoming rigid. The man could do nothing but yell and raise his hands to defend himself as the creature leaped right at him with its claws ready to slash at him.

However, nothing ever happened. The man didn't feel the creature at all and was worried about what was happening. Slowly lowering his hands down so he could see in front of him, the man did not see the creature anymore and saw something else.

Standing in front of him was a boy with brown spiky hair in dark red and black clothes while holding a large key. The key looked to be a blunt weapon with no real sharp part appearing on the blade. Moreover, next to the boy was what appeared to be a floating pink crystallized heart. The heart just stayed there floating without doing anything. Suddenly, the crystalized heart began to float up higher and higher before disappearing from his sight, leaving him to look back at the boy who was now staring right back at him with a concerned look on his face.

"Are you ok?"

Left stunned and paralyzed at what just happened, the man struggled to stand back up and stuttered with his response.

"Y-Yes. I'm ok"

"That's good to hear '' Moving his head to scan the area, the boy grimaced before speaking up again. "Listen, it's not safe here. Keep following this road and you'll see other people and Anti-Skill. They're helping everyone get to safety"

Nodding at the boy's words, the man began to walk away briskly but before he got too far, he turned to look at the boy one more time and thanked him for saving his life.

"Young man, thank you..."

Hearing the businessman's gratitude, the boy replied with a nod and a small smile that appeared on the corner of his lips before sprinting away in the direction that the creature appeared from. Doing the same, the businessman began to run to where the boy said Anti-Skill was located and hoped that they would lead him somewhere safe. But along the way, the man realized something. He never found out who the boy was.

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