Chapter 12: Challenges That Await

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*Disclaimer* - I do not own the copyright to the Kingdom Hearts or Toaru Majutsu franchises.

*Sidenote* In addition, all guest characters used are not mine and belong to their respective copyright owners.

*A/N* - Hey there hope all is going well. Last time we left off Sora was about ready to start adjusting to his new life involving school and adapting to the ordinary student life. With the addition of having to deal with monsters that go after hearts. No biggie. Moreover, Darkness is beginning to enact its plan while other forces both inside and outside of Academy City are starting to take notice of what's going on. Sora's about to be pulled into a whole new set of problems and he's sure in for a wild ride. Not to mention, Touma's story will continue alongside everything new happening in his world. Craziness meets ridiculousness. I'd also like to thank everyone for continuing to check this story out. Your reviews and feedback are truly amazing and while there is much work to be done on the story, I appreciate it all and hope you'll stick around. With that little bit of excess dialogue, I hope you enjoy it and take care.

*P.S.* The clown makeup has been taken off. No KH4 news at SGF. Was kinda hoping something would show up but nope. At least FF7 Rebirth got a trailer and release window which does give me hope that KH4 will be focused upon later in the year or next. Oh well... Maybe next time.


Several days later

Sora was anything but an ordinary boy. That much was obvious. There were things that he had done and seen that nobody else would ever be able to comprehend or truly understand. His experiences range from traveling to different worlds and meeting all the unique and memorable people there or even transforming himself to match the structure of the world. Becoming a small lion or mermaid or even a toy that was somehow connected to a video game that had somehow become real... that bit didn't make any sense.

But what he was going through right now was certainly going to be considered one of the most difficult things he's had to ever do... and that was school.

After spending the day chatting and fighting with Mugino, he went back home to prepare for his first day of school in a long time. The whole prospect of returning to school even if it was not his school back home the idea still made his stomach churn and a sense of nervousness. And yet, there was a flicker of excitement in the idea. He had no idea what was in store for him, but he would face it head-on.

Besides, how bad could it get...?

Boy, was he in for a tough time.

His first day of school went as one would expect it to be. Many eyes were on him along with the struggle of paying attention to the lessons and finding his classes. The typical high school experience that you would usually hear about. Not to mention, so much attention was directed toward him due to his overall presence. However, this was his first real-time getting to experience that kind of lifestyle since for the last few years it was nothing but fighting against the Heartless and searching for his friends along with a whole bunch of other things to keep him preoccupied instead of attending school.

And now as he was working to get used to his new life, he couldn't help but smile a bit while finding comfort in that he had people around him he could consider to be friends. Dismissing the burden of being alone. Even if he knew that he wasn't truly alone.

Touma, Tsuchimikado, Himegami, Aogami, Fukiyose, Komoe Sensei, and Yomikawa just to name a few. They had certainly played a great part in getting him accustomed to his new school life.

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