Chapter 2: A Proposal?

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Quick Author's Note: Hey I'm sorry that chapter one was shorter than I wanted it to be my phone's keyboard was going nuts and I couldn't finish it the way I wanted to and I was getting aggravated so I just ended it there. I'm adding what I wanted to be the ending the beginning of this chapter. So here's the second chapter.
~Tris's Point of view~
Then one by one they all jump. "Alright, Dauntless born you're going with Uriah and Marlene.", I say. Once all the Dauntless born leave. There's only me, Four, and the Dauntless transfers.

    Four says, "Alright my name is Four and this is Six and we will be your instructors here in Dauntless."

"Four and six like the numbers?", a former Candor says. 

       "Exactly like the numbers.", Four says. 

          "What happened one through three and five was already taken?", The former Candor says.                                "What's you're name?", I ask. "Susie", She says. 

                 "Well Susie. The first lesson you'll learn here is to keep you're mouth shut. Do you understand?", I say and Four just glares at me. He said the exact same thing to chris, a year ago when I was an initiate.

           We go and walk towards the pit and Four says, "This is the Pit. It's the center of life here in Dauntless."

              We then walk towards the chasm and I say, "This is the Chasm. . Do not stand too close -to the edge or you'll die. Last year we had a jumper and let's just say he is no longer with us. You have been warned.", I say, my heart twists a bit as I think of Al. 

              Then we go to the place where they'll sleep and and the bathroom. "This is where you'll be staying.", Four says.

 A  former Eruidite says," Boys or Girls?"

              I look at her and say "Both.", Four adds on and says, "You should feel right at home Candor. Everything out in the open." I glare at him, he also said the same thing in my initiate class .

       There are ten class of Dauntless Transfers, a short class like mine was the total of initiate class. The total of iniates both Dauntless born and transfers was fifty nine. Here are the Dauntless transfers that Four and I teach:
Hannah- Born: Candor, Dauntless transfer, Arin- Born: Candor, Dauntless transfer
Rosanna- Born: Amity, Dauntless transfer, Kelly- Born: Amity, Dauntless transfer, Marina- Born: Euridite, Dauntless transfer,
Bob- Born: Amity, Dauntless Transfer, Albert- Born: Euridite, Dauntless Transfer,
Alexandra- Born: Amity, Dauntless Transfer, Jess- Born: Abnegation, Dauntless Transfer, and Joe: Euridite born, Dauntless Transfer
~Four's Point of View~
        After we're done showing the iniates around the pot we go over to the hall to eat dinner and sit with the group; Christina, Will, Zeke, Shauna, Tris, and me. Just then out of nowhere Zeke asks everyone , "So how was your day?", and it took me by surprise. Zeke was never one to start a conversation unless it's with his brother (Uriah) or girls.

      "It was fine. Christina do you have a sister?", Tris asks. 

              "Yeah, Susie why?", Christina responds. 

          "We met her today while instructing the initiates.", Tris says. 

I add to what she said by saying, "She reminds me of you. She said almost the exact same thing you said when you met me.",

              "Really? Wow! I guess we really do act a like.", Chris says. 

              "I can't wait to meet her. I bet you she'll love me.", Will says smiling at Chris. 

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