Chapter 7: Job Interviews

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                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Two Weeks Later Tris' POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

The sound of an alarm clock going off woke me up. As soon as the sound of the clock got me up I turn it off before it can wake up Tobias. He gets really cranky when he wakes up before needed. Now that I'm awake I might as well go down stairs and make coffee and breakfast. In a total of twenty minutes breakfast and coffee is ready. I walk to our bedroom and see no one in bed I look around the room and still don't see Four. "Where in the world is he?" I ask myself. Suddenly as if on Que I feel a pair of strong arms around me and I know exactly where he is now. He's behind me holding me in his strong warm arms. "Breakfast is ready. Along with some coffee." I say and with that we head downstairs.

Once we finish breakfast we start getting ready. While he's in the shower, I'm getting the papers and stuff ready for the interview. When he's out and getting dressed, I start my shower and getting ready. I'm wearing a dark purple shirt with ruffles, at the top and black fancy pants. Within fifteen minutes afterwards we are done and ready for the interviews. We agree to meet up for lunch at a hot dog place after the interviews to talk about how we think the interviews went.

We head towards the buildings and go our separate ways to the interviews. The minute that I walk in the place I get a sense of confidence. The people there who are waiting looks unorganized, impatient, and not brave however I am organized, patient, and brave. I wait patiently reading a book on different types of zip lines and what to do in an emergency while zip lining. Everyone else that's there are reading random books of romance not taking this interview very serious. Within thirty minutes almost everyone who was waiting has gone and now it's my time for the interview. "Tris Prior?" a man in a suit and tie says and I get up to walk with him.

"Hello Ms. Prior, My name is Mr. Jones. According to this you're applying for someone who is on the track helping them and hooking them to the different tracks, is that right?" Mr. Jones asks.

"Yes sir, that is right." I say.

"What's your personality like?" Mr. Jones asks

"Reliable, Brave, Patient, and Organized." I say.

"Do you remember the first time that you were on a zip line Ms. Prior?" Mr. Jones asks

"Yes sir, I do. I remember it like it was yesterday even though it was a year ago. A couple of friends and I went on this zip line across what was known as the dauntless area of Chicago. I felt so alive, free, and relaxed. I remember how it felt to have the wind pushing against me and gliding through the sky. It was one of my favorite experience yet." I say.

"What do you mean what was known as the dauntless area of Chicago?" Mr. Jones asks

"When I lived in Chicago there was five different parts called factions. Dauntless the warrior or brave, Abnegation the selfless, Erudite the intelligent, Amity the peaceful, and Candor the truthful. They basically were who you were. I was Dauntless and born Abnegation." I say.

"Interesting is this your first time being outside of that city?" Mr. Jones asks

"Yes sir this is my first time being outside of that city." I say.

"Why don't you tell me about the jobs that you had while in Chicago." Mr. Jones says.

"Okay. I was a tattoo artist and an innate trainer. As a tattoo artist we had different stencils of tattoos and the costumer would pick one to have done and the artists gave people the tattoo of the stencil they picked and where they choose to get it. As an Innate trainer we would train people who wanted to become dauntless and teach them everything that they needed to know and learn in order to make it in Dauntless." I say.

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