Chapter 12- Teeth Bearing

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"Wait, he kissed you?!"

I laughed softly, "Yeah, I guess so" I said.

Anna's eyes widened in surprise and a huge grin spread across her face.

"How are you so calm about this?! This is big news, Finn! Big news! This is the farthest we've gotten in Operation Folton so far!" Anna exclaimed, clasping her hands together excitedly.

"Hey, I'm not saying the kiss meant anything-"

"Woah, hold up there" Anna said, holding up her hand as to physically stop my words from reaching her.

"He wouldn't have kissed you just for the heck of it, and no one I know would kiss their ex-girlfriend on the lips in front of their current girlfriend just to get extra credit on the project." Anna said.

I crossed my arms, shivering slightly as the cool wind blew against us.

"Yeah, I guess you're right" I said. And she was. No one in their right mind would do that. But this was Colton. I didn't know what was going on in that clearly messed up brain of his.

"Of course I'm right" Anna said, pulling her sweater tighter around her , "And maybe if you hadn't left without talking to Colton, we would be having a ride home right now instead of having to walk, in may I add, rather cold weather for Fall".

I rolled my eyes, "Don't worry, next time I'll make sure to remember that" I said sarcastically.

Anna smiled proudly, "Good. Either that or get your freaking license because I'm tired of walking everywhere" Anna said.

I laughed, "No offense but I really wasn't concerned with how cold it was when I decided not to ask Colton for a ride" I said , "You know, I have his raging back-stabbing girlfriend on my back right now" I sighed.

Anna laughed, "Yeah, true. But it's not like she wasn't already" she said.

I shrugged, "Whatever, I'm just really confused right now and even If Becca did confront me, I wouldn't have the slightest clue as to what to say" I said.

"You could tell her to back off or it'll be a fight to the death" Anna said, a small smirk on her lips.

I let out an abrupt laugh, "Yeah, that wouldn't go down well with her" I said.

Anna shrugged, "Well you can't let her win" she said.

"I don't know. It seems like she's already won." I said honestly, "They're been dating for what? 2...3 years? I can't compete with that." I said.

"But he kissed you" she said, emphasizing every word.

And that's what was truly confusing.

"I know" I whined, "But I don't know what that's supposed to mean" I said, holding my red dress flat against my legs to prevent it from flying up.

"It means that he probably still has some feelings for you. Maybe he doesn't even know why he did it! But the fact is, somewhere deep down he still likes you" she said matter a factly , "and the only way to find out for sure it to freaking ask him" she said.

"Everyone's been telling me that" I said softly, in deep thought.

"Yeah, because talking to him would probably clear things up...a lot" Anna said.

Gosh, did everyone know exactly what to do except me?

We reached our house and I sighed in relief. My arms were starting to get sore from holding my dress down. Wind seemed to be a reoccurring problem with me and dresses.

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