Chapter 3- Operation Folton

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Behold- the next chapter

dedication to @SimplyFashionista_ for being such an active reader <3

And you know- that vote button is calling your name ;)


Chapter 3-

The final bell rang and I sighed in relief, starting to pack my notebooks away. It had been a long day...which was definitely and understatement, because somewhere in there it should say ' an embarrassing, awkward, very depressing, super long day' .

After Becca and Colton had arrived in first period, I had been a nervous wreck. Having Colton sit behind me, and feeling Becca's eyes on me the whole class had made me feel very uncomfortable. I hadn't even been able to pay attention to anything Mr.Fells said, so when Mia asked me after class what I thought about Mr.Fells' story about his deranged childhood, I didn't have an answer other than 'um...'

The rest of the day was pale in comparison. I sat with Anna and Mia at lunch, and only saw Colton and Becca during class changes.

All in all, I was just relieved I was finally going home.

I walked out of the classroom, trying to push my way through the mass of kids trying to get out the front door.

When I got outside I started walking towards the football stadium. Anna told me to wait there after school so we could walk back home. It was the easiest place to get to, considering the rest of the school property was covered with cars trying to fight their way out.

I pursed my lips in annoyance when I noticed the wind. I moved my hands to the back of my dress and held the fabric against my legs.

Yeah...never again.

I scanned the stadium briefly, looking for Anna. There was no one in the stands and the only people on the field were the football players finishing their practice.

Apparently they got lucky and varsity gets to take their last class as 'football conditioning'. I had heard some of the players talking about it- how it was a good way to not have to take a physical education class.

Sometimes I wish I had decided to take up a sport. But my talents at the moment consisted of perseverance and photography.

Where the hell was she?

I took out my phone and called Anna.

"Where the heck are you?" I asked , slightly lowering my voice when some students passed me.

"Oh hey! How was the first day? Well after lunch of course...was it good? Was Becca in any of your classes? How about C-"

"Anna, focus please. Are you coming?" I asked.

It was seriously amazing how fast Anna and I had become friends. Especially because I have a trust issue and I don't make friends easily...but I could only take small doses of Anna at a time.

"Oh yeah. And guess what? I got us a ride home!" Anna said.

I mentally thanked the lord. I wasn't up to holding my dress down again; my arms had started feeling stiff already.

"That's great!" I said, my urgent tone lifting

"Yeah, I know, Anyway, Colton and I will be there shortly."

My mouth dropped open. Wait. What the hell did she do? Did she not realize I wanted to avoid his piercing green eyes, incredibly strong arms, and amazing dark hair as much as possible?

Him sitting behind me in class, obviously, wasn't enough. And apparently neither was sleeping a room away from him ... Because now I was going to be stuck in the same car as him.

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