Chapter 25- At Midnight

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"I guess it's close to midnight" I said, as we heard the sound of fireworks above us.

"Yeah, half hour" Max said, "My dad said he'd put the fireworks on at 11:30"

For the past couple hours Max and I had sat on the deck, talking about everything and anything. Our conversation had ranged from what our favorite food was to how we felt about our parents' divorce.

And now, it was almost the new year. It was the first time I would actually see fireworks on New Years and at the same time, the first year I was with a guy at Midnight. Tonight had supplied me with a numerous amount of stepping stones in my social life.

Max stood up and leaned against the bridge railing, looking down at the water, "So, what are your New Year's revolutions?" he asked, a hint of laughter to his voice.

I stood up, mimicking his actions and taking my spot next to him, "Get out of high school alive" I said, laughing, "Honestly, I don't even know. It's not like people actually end up carrying out their resolutions anyways" I continued, "so what's the point in making them?"

Max chuckled softly, "I guess" he said, "I always tell myself I'm going to work out more and that never happens; I go to the gym for a week and then I quit because I don't feel like getting up early"

I laugh,"But it's not like you need to go to the gym anyway" I said, smiling.

It was too late to take back what I had said when I actually realized what I'd done. I swear, Anna really was rubbing off on me;I was starting to say whatever was on my mind.

But I meant what I said- he was already toned and he looked really good. How he managed to do that without going to the gym, I had no idea.

Max laughed and shrugged, "Thanks, Finn" he said.

I mentally gushed when he called me by my nickname. For some reason, even him saying my name sent the butterflies in my stomach into a frenzy.

I laughed and we stood there for a couple minutes in silence. He was the one person that silence actually worked with; it wasn't awkward between us and if anything, it made things feel even better.

I started wondering then why I had spent so much time fantasizing and obsessing over Colton when there were better guys like Max out in the world. If I had taken a moment to actually look at who he was, I would've realized in a heartbeat he wasn't someone worth my time or energy. It was amazing to see how much I'd come in just the past couple weeks. I wasn't willing to settle for 'hot but a jerk' anymore; I wanted something better. Because nothing, neither the past nor the looks, can shadow the fact that someone has a godawful personality.

"What're you thinking about?" Max asked, moving his gaze toward me, his lips curved up in a smile.

I pursed my lips slightly, running my index finger across the smooth wood of the railing, "I was just thinking about how much I've changed over the past year" I said.

Max nodded, "With you moving back and all?" he asked.

I nodded slowly, "Yeah...I don't know, I guess things just didn't go as I thought they would" I said, "Although a lot of things around here haven't changed, a ton of people have"

"Colton?" He asked, moving his gaze back to the water.

I heard another firework crackle in the sky and I found myself sighing, "Yeah" I said, "him".

Silence settled over us again when he didn't respond, and I really questioned whether I had made a huge mistake in bringing him up. I didn't want to ruin any future possibility of being with Max.

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