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Real Name| Kawaakari Zahl

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Real Name| Kawaakari Zahl

Model Type| Tall Male

Birthday| 12/29

Constellation| Panthera uncia(Snow Leopard)

Region| Snezhnaya, Mondstadt

Affiliation| Royal Family of de Zuiveren, Knights of Favonius

Additional Titles| Mercenary of Zuiveren, Omen Among Teyvat, Wielder of Sigurd, Successor of the Frozen Winds

Weapon| Sword

Vision| Cryo(Pyro weapon)


Zahl is a Cryo character and Pyro wielded in Genshin Impact.

Zahl is a wandering mercenary in search for a place to call home. He wields a powerful sword dubbed Sigurd, which embodies the soul of an ancient pyro warrior, Sigurd de Zuiveren, the king of Royal Family de Zuiveren.



"Born with skin as pale as snow, Zahl Kawaakari is labeled to be the descent of a Royal Family in Snezhnaya. He's traveled all over with his burning sword, Sigurd, yet cannot chip the ice off of his forever frozen heart." -Childe

Despite his vision being cryo, Zahl can possess the flames of Sigurd and use them to his advantage; he has the capability to surround himself in a protective barrier of ice taken the form of a leopard. Though, the pyro completely wipes out his cryo, so he has to be wary for which element to use. The leopard acts similar to Razor's Lupical elemental burst—often, it aids him in fighting, and also raises his defense for the meantime, yet it slowly drains his health the harsher his blows become. Because of his unique ability, many consider him a omen to Teyvat. He was henceforth banished from Snezhnaya's eternal snow after he burned the royal town of de Zuiveren down.

Traveling through each nation, Zahl had left a complete trail of scorching fires crusted with ice wherever he stepped. His destructive behavior had posed a major threat against many people, and they had to fortify themselves for the safety and prosperity of their communities. When Zahl came across Mondstadt, the people quivered upon seeing his form lurch from the woodlands. He was immediately greeted not with armed forces, but with the arms of a small bard.

"Nurtured naught but to kill, what is your true intention of will?" The bard led Zahl to the Statue of the Seven, Barbatos, in front of the Favonius Cathedral before continuing his poetic tour. Zahl, beyond confused, stared down at the boyish bard with unclear thoughts. He had not felt anything like what the bard had given him. The heat wasn't overbearing, yet he did not shiver. It felt...nice. That day, Zahl found his home in the City of Freedom, Mondstadt.


Zahl has snow-white, fluffy hair that shades into a dark grey. It goes down past his shoulders, and he wears a side-ponytail over his right shoulder with a blue band connected to a feather gifted by Venti. He has blue-colored eyes and pale skin. He also has snow-leopard ears and a tail.

He dons a white dress-shirt that's unbuttoned at the chest and stomach area. A loose black tie is often flung around when he walks. Over his shirt, he wears black arm bands, straps, and a torn dark grey jacket which goes over his shoulders. He also wears grey gloves. With dark grey pants, he wears black bands over his thighs and finishes off with high black boots. Connected with his hair-band, he has his Cyro vision hanging next to the feather given by Venti.


[in process]

Venti - Since Zahl's first encounter with Venti, he felt obligated to follow the tricky bard and learn more from him on how to live peacefully. Since Zahl's life was filled with a burning hatred, Venti's care-free personality contrasts with Zahl like fire and ice. The two get along mostly because Zahl pays attention to Venti, and he offers him the utmost respect he can muster. Though, oftentimes, Zahl acts like a teenage boy whenever Venti requests him to do something he doesn't want to do.

Rosaria - Venti had gathered a few close friends to help teach Zahl proper mannerisms in Mondstadt. Rosaria being one of them. Well...One of the unfortunate ones. She gave Zahl a chance on how to control his emotions, and even gave him a new perspective of people. Over time, the two grew close and Zahl became more confident in his actions than what he was prior.

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