-Fame Devil-

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Name/Nickname: Tycoon, Fame Devil

Age: Physique of a mid-twenty-year-old, but age of near to Power, 84.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Tycoon is a popular fiend known to be harmless. Nobody has heard him ever attacking civilians, so that is why he isn't sought out for by the hunters. Though he may be harmless, he has a reputation of being a...douche. He lives in a rich mansion and hosts parties frequently to maintain his power and name. People love his parties for he has exquisite drinks and decor, but it is unknown how he has enough cash to buy all the things he does so...constantly. He loves chatter and gossip of himself. A proud fiend at best, but a gorgeous one at that.

Host form

Appearance: Host form

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Revealing form

Devil Contract: Control Devil - The Control Devil promised him endless money and protection from the hunters as long as Tycoon offered her his life

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Devil Contract: Control Devil - The Control Devil promised him endless money and protection from the hunters as long as Tycoon offered her his life. The Control Devil is the puppeteer and Tycoon is the puppet.

Crush: Your OC, Akane Sawatari, or Yoru (he likes the hard ones to get)

Family: None

Backstory: Tycoon once worked as a Devil Hunter alongside Aki Hayakawa. He was put in with the fiends, but after recognizing that he was useless in fight, he resigned. There, he went to the Control Devil to plea. He requested her to give him protection from the hunters. The Control Devil frowned at his request, knowing that he'd take advantage of the situation if he left so easily, so she offered a contract; his life for his freedom.
After leaving the Devil Hunters' division, Tycoon moved to a rich ward in Tokyo where he then bought a house and hosted his parties. He was often investigated by Devil Hunters who sneak into his parties, and was sometimes attacked by certain hunters. Though...because of his contract, it never ended well for the hunters.

Abilities: Hypnosis - Tycoon may be harmless, but his power consists of being able to hypnotize. It is used to sway people into his parties, yet when in battle, he can use it as a diversion. It costs him some sight in his left eye, though.
Money - From his skin, Tycoon is able to make money out of nowhere. If he doesn't have much skin, though, he is unable to produce it.

Tycoon's favorite things are parties, people, money, and wine.
His least favorite things are dirt, sweat, vomit, and uncleanliness.
He loves to tease people even Makima herself when he was part of the Devil Hunters.

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