Chapter Forty Five: Once Upon a Dream

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CHAPTER SONG: "Once Upon a Dream" by Lana Del Rey (from Disney's 'Maleficent' soundtrack)

Joseph Blake led Molly up the porch steps of his house, having raced to the Schofield residence in his rig to fetch her as fast as he could, not wanting to leave Emmy alone and vulnerable too long in his living room. Myrtle, ever the faithful guard dog, leaned her head on the unconscious woman's stomach and whined, her ears perking up at the sound of her owner's voice.

Since it was mid-morning, Molly had the girls at school and she immediately accompanied the exhausted man in the pouring rain back to his home as soon as he uttered the words about Emmanuelle Hunterson returning back into their lives, but in a comatose state of whether she would awaken or not.

Before leaving her own house, she had been sure to grab clothing from Emmy's old room. Clean nightgowns, undergarments, stockings, fresh towels...

"I don't know what to do, Molly. I ought to fetch the doctor, but I'm not sure what can be done for her." The raven haired lieutenant opened the door for the older woman and allowed her entry into his home, gauging her reaction to seeing her dear "sister" lying motionless on the chaise.

Before he hesitantly left her side, Joe had covered Emmy with a thick blanket to keep her warm as well as preserve her modesty, the girl not appearing to have moved a centimeter from where he had laid her.

Molly froze where she stood as her hands went to her mouth in disbelief and sadness. Not many things could bring a reaction from such a strong, fearless lady, but she cared not if anyone saw her cry as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Myrtle, sensing the female visitor's melancholy, padded up to Molly and rubbed her head against the woman's dress skirt, smelling the familiar scent left on the fabric courtesy of her puppy adopted by Cici and Elle, named Bucky.

The brunette Englishwoman shakily went to the chaise and knelt at Emmy's side, her shaking hand feeling her lukewarm forehead. She looked down to see the barely visible rise of the American girl's stomach as she breathed. Blinking back tears, she turned around to meet Joe's equally devastated gaze. "I didn't want to believe you when you said she was in some sort of coma, Lt. Blake. How long has she been like this?"

"I found her lying in the front yard this morning. I've no idea how long she was out there, maybe all night. Anything could've happened..." Joseph found himself unable to finish that sentence, not wanting to blubber in front of the lady he regarded most highly as a friend. "I looked her over and she seems not to have any injuries... but I have a feeling it was the bastard Erik. She's been dressed in some scandalous clothing, hence the blanket I covered her with."

Molly looked again down to Emmy's frozen features, her fingers swiping stray curls off her forehead, allowing a thick sob to block her throat as she almost struggled to breathe. "I know about Erik... enough to know he was a danger to her. But whatever happened with him, now we can take care of her. And we need not waste anymore time. We need to get her bathed and changed; she's been outside in this rain for God knows how long."

Joe inhaled a deep breath himself, gathering himself together as he bent down by the unconscious woman's side. "Yes, of course. Mum's old room has been empty, but the bed is the biggest and most comfortable in the house. The sheets are freshly clean and haven't been used."

Molly gently removed the blanket from over Emmy, revealing the lingerie, her eyes widening slightly, but repressed any comments, knowing much more was at stake with the girl's condition than what she was wearing. She leaned down and placed a brief, reassuring kiss to her forehead. "Dear sister; you're with family now. You're home."

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