Unexpected Morning

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Medea POV.
I woke up after what it seems a long night. As I looked around my surroundings I noticed a man with black hair laying beside me. On top of that my legs hurt like hell, just one move hurts so bad.

After I looked around I saw that I was in a hotel room. I layed back down and started to stare at the ceiling. Just then the black haired man woke up and sat up. And then it hit me, I had slept with the man next to me last night and from the looks of it we had a very rough night.

The man soon turned his head towards me and I immediately recognized his face. It was him Dion Agriche, the man I really hate.

"What the hell are you doing here Duchess Solon". The man said with a very confused tone. " I myself do not know what I am doing here but it seems you and I had slept together". I responded with a very tired voice.

"It seems so seeing how the two of us were drinking the whole time". Dion responded while getting up to get ready. "You mean you remember everything". I said with a curious look on my face . "Not everything but some only besides seeing how you can't walk means that we probably did it more than once".

"I'm going to make u pay for this". I responded with a very angry tone. I can't believe him he remembers everything and act like nothing happened. "Help me get ready I will only beg you this one time only".

"Since I do owe you one I will help u". He sighed trying to help me up. The more I think about the more I get very nervous. The Dion Agriche who is known to be cold is now helping me get ready and dressed.

"Thank you for your help but can u take me back to my mansion". Right now I feel nothing but pain in my legs and thighs. I never imagined that I would ever limp from sex.


That all happened a month ago. Me and Dion act like nothing happened but sometimes I can't help but miss his touch. Memories from that night started returning and I still can't believe that me and Dion did for more than 5 times, it does explain the pain I was feeling.

"Lady Medea are you ok I noticed you have not been acting like yourself lately". Psyche said with a worried tone. She is so cute when she is worried. "I'm fine I had been feeling weird lately though". It wasn't a lie I had been feeling like throwing up when smelling the things I used to like.

His Obsession Medea X DionWhere stories live. Discover now