I don't know what to say

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Medea POV
He said he loved me, I don't know what so say. Hearing that made me so happy but right now times are tough for me. I need to go back to the empire to solve so issues.

That morning lady Pysche came to visit me and conform everything that is happening.

"Lady Medea who is the father of your child". Pysche as she is putting down all the gifts she got for the baby even though it is not even here yet.

"It's Dion Agriche". I responded which made her face filled with shock. I honestly don't care if everyone knows who the father is after all it's bound to be found out soon anyways. I was eating sweets and drinking tea when Pysche suddenly asked how it happened.

I went on to tell what had happened or what started this whole thing.  Of course I left some details out for Pysche sake.

"Lady Medea you do  know his family right?". She asked clearly worried about me. "Yes I know which is why I'm leaving as soon as possible". I responded. That was my plan to leave this empire and go home, I can't stay here anymore.

"I don't want to get involved with his family's stupid issues and businesses."

"So you plan to go back to the territory until you give birth, what about Dion what will he think of this." Pysche asked, if I'm being honest I kinda don't care about Dion opinion on my decisions until the stupid family fixes its issues no way I'm staying. I can live there it will be a bother, plus if I get involved with their dumb business I would just end up killing everyone there.

"Well lady Medea let's just hope he doesn't come after you."

Dion POV

I was about to go visit lady Medea when my stupid brother decides to annoy me.

"What do u want little shit." I asked getting annoyed of him following me everywhere. Usually he would be with his sister Xana.

"I'm still wondering why she chose you over many of handsome men in the world." He asked looking at me with wide eyes going up and down.

"It's none of your stupid business." I calmly said even though I want to fucking beat this little shit up.

"At least no more competition with sister Xana's attention."

"Yeah leave now I'm getting pissed just looking at you." I said as I went back to my room, that idiot ruined my day. But I wonder how lady Medea is these days. I hope she is well, I can't stop thinking about her.

When I said I loved her I meant it, but if she returns those feelings then I don't know what to say.

Author Note

Hey guys it's me the author. I hope your enjoying the story so far I will try to update as much as possible. I was studying for the semester exam the whole winter break. I hope you enjoy this story.

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