Cassis Pedelian And Rezef Hill And Dion Agriche

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Narrator POV
During the last two weeks both Dion and Cassis were busy planning against the Agriche family, while the two gentlemen were planning the two ladies also have a plan of their own. After coming back from Cassis room, Dion decided to take a rest. These past few weeks have been taking a big toll on his mind and body, whether it's orders from his father or in Cassie's room for a strategy meeting. He really wanted to take a break from all his work, he was very close to sleeping until a sound of knocking disturb his peace.
"Come in"
"I greet the first young master". The servant bowed
"State your business with me, it must be something important to the point where you had to waste my precious time".
"Prince Rezef has come to see you, young master".
"Rezef, what is his business with me."
"I'm afraid to inform you young master but I have no idea, he said that he wanted to see his friend after a long time".
'I suppose it has been awhile hasn't it Rezef'.
"Tell him I'm on way to see him".
"Yes young master".

Dion opened the door of the drawing room only to see his friend Rezef sipping tea without even waiting for him. He looked the same, although his aura did have a big change, from a bright aura to a domineering aura. Dion remembered how Rezef would often provoke him just to get his attention. Because of the Rezef provokes him they became good friends.
"If it isn't my dear friend, Rezef"
"Finally calling me a dear.?"
"What do you want". Dion asked getting irritated.
"Nothing much I just wanted to see you, Congrats becoming a father of all people you got lady Medea that's one hell of an achievement you got there".
"To be honest none of it was planned, until now I have mixed feelings about this whole situation, especially how my father intends to use it to his advantage".
"I'm sure you will be fine, however about your father not so much, that old man only thinks about himself and power so it's no doubt he will use her".
"Since when can you say such comforting words, did someone kill the real Rezef and took his body".
"Very funny, I'm only saying this shit to you because you are the only person who dealt with my shit".
"You haven't changed you have always known how to humor me".
"Humor the cold young master was quite the task I had to deal with".

Dion and Rezef laughed just like old times, although both were seen as cold hearted monsters when it comes to each other they often show their real selves. Having someone like you is very helpful especially for their situations.

"Now that you are here why don't I ask for your help".

Cassis POV
I was in my room doing some push up's, when I was interrupted by the door opening. I looked at the opened door only to see Dion with some blonde haired guy. "What do you want with me". I asked the two.
"He will help us with our plan". Dion said as he sat down the bed. I looked at the blonde haired guy "who are you". I asked, "I'm Rezef Hill". He responded. I didn't know that the young master of the Agriche was friends with the prince.
"How will you help us exactly".
"I will be providing men and forces also I can secure the Agriche manor making sure no gets to leave except certain people".
"I can also make fake decoys that would for sure fool Lante Agriche, I have a lot of power Pedelian boy and I can share that power with the both of you".
He is right Prince Rezef has a lot of power not to mention Lante can't touch him, with him on our side we will most likely succeed in our plan. I just want to leave this place and come back to take revenge on the man who put me into this hellhole. But what shall I do about Roxanna, what would I tell her after I escaped.
"May I tell lady Roxanna about this plan". Both looked at me, not saying a single word. As much as I want to keep it a secret it feels like I'm betraying Roxanna. "You may if you want but make sure she doesn't tell a soul about it". Dion said.

"I have a feeling that the two of us are going to get along". The prince said as he held out his hand for a handshake. "Let's take care of each other in the future". I shake his hand.
"Enough with the small let's get to business shall we".

Meanwhile Author POV
While the three gentlemen were discussing their plan, outside the door both Jeremy and Griselda were listening to their conversations. "So those three are really working together, that's something you don't get to see everyday". Griselda said smirking. "I can't wait to see how this turns out".
"Since when did Dion ever want to destroy father, he followed father like a dog and father literally loves him". Jeremy said as he and Griselda walked together. "A person may look like he loves or is loyal to someone but in the end it's the opposite, you need to start noticing these things if you want to fully remain in control".
Griselda said as she left to go to the garden.
"Appearances can be deceiving my dear brother".
"I'm having tea in the garden want to join me".

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