Cassis's Successful Escape Mission

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Long Chapter
Narrator POV
"When would you like your escape to take place". Dion asked Cassis while laying down in his bed looking at the ceiling. "Why would that be necessary." Cassis responded as he looked at both Rezef and Dion. "I need a date so that I know when to prepare, for example killing the guards, causing a commotion, or anything that would help Roxanna initiate the illusion using the butterflies". Dion responded.
"You can't do it today or tomorrow because the preparations would take about a whole day, so i recommend sometime next week". Rezef suggested trying to help Cassis. "While you are thinking about the date why don't we go over the escape plan so that you know exactly what to".  Rezef said as he pulled out the map that Roxanna had to Cassis.
"Roxanna marked the hidden exits, this makes it easier for me. Now that you know where the hidden exit are Roxanna will for sure let you out in one of them., what I will do is cause a commotion somewhere far away from these exits so that she can lead you here without any trouble". Dion explained. "What about the guards in the hidden exit there has to be guards there". Cassis asked.
"Then I will kill all of the guards stationed there so that we can be sure that no one is there".
"Anyways back to plan, after you leave the manor you will see a guard with a bright blue badge, either he will approach you or u approach him you need to follow him and he will lead you to a carriage that will take you home where your father will be waiting for you". Rezef finished explaining. "Any other questions".
"I have no questions at all, I understand the plan fully so there is no need to explain it again, but I noticed that this plan compliments Roxanna's".
"This plan was created in order to work with Roxanna, our job is to help her get you out of here while we make trouble and by the time she goes in the scene she will for sure unleash her illusion of butterflies to fool Lante into thinking you are dead". Dion said "after this was created based on the information you gave us".
"Now have you decided when"
"The day after tomorrow"
"Very well then".
Later that evening Dion was on his way to make preparations when he suddenly bumped into Roxanna. "Why have you been visiting my toy" she asked Dion with a disdain look on her face. "That toy of yours is sure fun to play with, i enjoy torturing him to death you know". Dion responded with a smirk on his face. "Roxanna you need to be more careful after all you don't know how long father will put his trust into you". Dion said as he played with her hair only to get smacked in the face by Roxanna. "Leave me alone and don't meddle into my plans Dion". Roxanna said as she walked away into the long hallway.

'If I were to guess how she was feeling then my best guess is that she is most definitely nervous she will probably try to speed up her plan before father notices, good luck Roxanna I can only do this much for now I still need father's favor in order to destroy him, however I'll play along in your little game make u think u manipulated me'. Dion thought as he walked away making preparations.
He was wondering the hallway while looking at the map just searching for the hidden exits in the house, he needs to know how many guards are on each exit so that he knows how many he should kill.

When he found the first exit he opened the door only to see two guards just two guards standing in front of the door guarding it. "What can we do for you young master" one guard asked. "Nothing much I was just lurking around the manor, if I may ask how many guards are of each hidden exit". He asked the guard, to which the guard answered "only two on each hidden exit". The guard responded. "Great". Dion said as he left.
'I only have to kill 6 guards since there are only 3 hidden exits, after I kill the guards I will use their bodies as bait for the commotion Im going to make'. Dion thought as he went straight to the animal houses where he saw an animal perfect enough to cause a disturbance.

Then he went outside and saw the guard with a bright blue badge and immediately started making arrangements with the guard. "You will wait here exactly, because I notice that all of the hidden exits lead to this way only, after waiting you will see a man with silver hair and yellow eyes you are to lead him back at the Pedelian manor without anyone knowing". Dion said to the guard. "Yes my lord". The guard complied.

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