Consequences Of Our Actions

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Narrator POV

It has been a month since Dion and Medea became sex partners. And it's safe to say that they have been careless.

Every single time Dion wants to do it, he would always barged into Medea's room. His mood also changed since this whole thing started. He's been smiling like there is no tomorrow.

But recently Medea noticed that Dion has been very rough every time they have sex. It's like he's worried about something , and vents his stress out on her. In all honesty Medea likes it but she can't help but wonder why he is acting weirdly lately.

Not to mention he's been more possessive of her. Every time she talks to a guy he would always look at the guy with a killer face, or mention the guy she is talking to in bed.

Medea POV

I had been feeling a bit weird lately. For the past months since Dion and I started this relationship I had been feeling weird.

I feel sick everyday, I throw up every day, and I really feel weird. Not to mention the smell of my favorite dish makes me throw up .

I told Pysche about it and she said that I should visit a doctor. So of course I called a doctor to know what is wrong with me.

"It would seem that you are pregnant."

That line changed my whole life. The more I think about the more it makes sense. We never used contraceptives to prevent this, we only did it because we were to turned on to grab one.

I'm screwed.

His Obsession Medea X DionWhere stories live. Discover now