Old Memories

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Roxanna POV

Lately Dion has been acting out of character. Ever since I came to this novel, I didn't expect that I would end up changing the novel completely. As I was reading the response letter that Duchess Solon sent to me, I couldn't help but be happy. I have been planning this revenge for a long time and finally with the help of my new trump card I can be free of this household.

I was on my way to my bedroom when I crossed paths with Dion. I was planning on just walking by but he suddenly stopped and turned to look at me.

"What did you mean by keep my distance from Medea". He asked while he gave a death glare. I didn't think that my words would have this much effect on him, it would seem that he truly does love Medea, however he can't continue to see her for now because Lante can't get involved with Medea.

"Do you want father to use her like a tool, the same way he sees us his children". I responded with a calm voice. "You need to start thinking of her future, now that she is pregnant Lady Medea is temporarily limited of abilities". Upon hearing my words Dion turned around and continued his trail, as I watched him disappear through the hallway.

Later that night I am currently in my room thinking about how to explain the plan to lady Medea. She is an incredibly talented and smart woman so I need to make sure that I adjust my plan so that she can also move around. If this plan is successful then I'm am forever grateful to her because she is the main part of this plan. Her power and influence in the empire is so strong that being involved with her makes you a big deal among nobles.

However something about her is quite different, why would she bother herself with someone like Dion. What was the maiden thinking? It doesn't matter anymore as long as I can use her to fulfill my plans then I'm all for it.

"If lady Medea agrees with my plan then your escape in this place is going to be successful".

"Lady Medea?".

"Yes cassis lady Medea is going to help us".

"Medi"... Medi what was that, is he familiar with her. Since cassis was a side character that died early the knowledge I have about him I not enough. Could it be that he and Medea are acquainted somehow? The novel never said anything about them being friends. If they are somehow related then the reason why lady Medea wants to help me is to help her friend get out of here.

Cassis POV
After Roxanna left my cell I started thinking about Medi, why would she involve herself with the Agriche. Ever since we were kids Medi and I were super close, it all started when she debuted into high society.

Among the large crowd of people there stood a shining lady above all other nobles, her beauty is unique and her aura is very threatening. Many nobles did not come to congratulate her they mostly came to see their future enemy. Even though most nobles look at her with a disdain look on their face she stood their smiling brightly showing no care for their opinions. 'That lady is very beautiful I wonder if she ever feel uncomfortable with all the dread nobles are showing her'.

'This party is boring'. I walked away from the crowd and went to the garden. I looked around the garden area only to see a river under the moonlight it was truly beautiful, I sat down in the green grass and admired the moon, it was definitely worth looking at. "The moon is quite lovely tonight isn't". A sudden voice appeared out of nowhere, I looked around not seeing anyone but me. "Up here". The voice said, I looked up only to see lady Medea sitting on the tree branch.

"Forgive me my lady for coming to your garden without permission".  I stood up and looked at her. "It's fine besides it kinda gets lonely here watching the lovely moon all by yourself doesn't it.". She said as she looked at the moon before jumping off the branch. "Say what is your name young gentleman". "It's Cassis Pedelian my lady".
"Nice to meet you Cassis". She said as she raised her hand for a handshake. "The pleasure is mine my lady". I said shaking her hand.
After our introductions we sat down in the grass and started talking about our lives, it was nice to talk to someone under such a beautiful scene. She yoked me about her family and her education. And I also talked about mine.

"It was nice meeting you Cassis, mind if I call you Cas from now on". She said as she pat my head and gave me a hug. "You may call me that as long as I get to call you Medi".
I said while still hugging her. "It's a deal". After the party my family and I went back to the manor, I couldn't stop thinking about that night who knew I would be friends with the most influential lady in the empire, nonetheless her status doesn't matter I wasn't lonely anymore I have her with me now.

Ever since that day we became the bestest of friends, we would play together study together and even sleep on the same bed sometimes. She made me feel relaxed from all of my hard studies and often listened to my problems. Her gentle care is what pushed me forward to do my best in my studies and her training swordsmanship with me made me a better fighter. It was all her, she was the reason why I know the things I know now.

Why would she get herself involved with Dion, how did the two even meet. Why would they even sleep together?

His Obsession Medea X Dionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن