WhAt'S yOuR tYpE?

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Be real, who has never heard at least one person talking about "their type", referring to which their tastes are about a partner?

Be they blonde, brown or black haired. Tall or small. Fat or skinny. Intelligent or dumb. White, black, asian, african, blue, green, giraffe, etc.

So, today, someone asked me what my type was.

I was like "Uhm- I, I don't have a type".

They kept insisting and I don't even know why, seeing how I went as far as to tell them I don't plan to date or get in a relationship with anyone ever.

And they still continued to nag me, telling me "yeah yeah, but who do you think is beautiful?"

Bitch, I already told you I know when someone is objectively handsome, what do you want me to say?

And plus, if I don't want to get a partner doesn't that mean that I don't have a type?

Like, that's literally the meaning of that sentence-

Not wanting to get engaged and so not having a favourite to do so with. It's pure logic.

I swear people are so dumb sometimes they make me wanting to hit them with a shovel.

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