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Let's go folks, it's finally aro week!

I know that I usually complain a lot about being an aromantic person in an amatonormativity society.

But the truth is that I like it.

I like being the way I am and I couldn't imagine myself in another way.

I wouldn't exchange it for anything in this world.

And you all should do the same. Be proud of who you are. Don't wish that something could change because then you wouldn't be yourself.

You're perfect as you are.

You're not wrong or an abnormality. If the world can't accept you, it's the world who is at fault.

In every spectrum you are, it's okay.

You belong to it.

Even if you're in the arospec, you can fall in love and may want to do so or not.

You can experience romantic attraction.

You may want to be in a relationship or not, regardless of if you feel romantic attraction or not.

You can experience sexual attraction and regardless of it you may want to have sex or not.

You can find a only sexual partner.

You can want a non definite relationship as you can not.

It doesn't really matter.

The important thing is that you are comfortable in your own labels.

And if you don't want them, that's also okay.

Just be happy as you are.

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