F*ck you straight cis people (it's a joke💀)

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In a way, it must be nice being straight.

Living in a amatonormativity and heteronormativity rooted society, where being attracted to the opposite sex is the "normal" way, one usually grow up expecting it to be like that, without even thinking that there could another way.

And so, you don't even need to question your sexuality, as it's served to you on a silver plate (dunno if this expression is used in English, but it's used in my first language to say that is an offer at which you can rarely refuse, as it is very inviting, or that something is obvious and you get that without much effort. It's easy to get.).

Meanwhile,for queer people it usually takes a long period of time to find a comfortable and fitting label and they have constant doubts and questioning.

The same goes for cis and trans people too.

It must feel so light and easy not having to doubt yourself.

Once I literally had a breakdown cuz of it and not knowing yourself simply makes you feel so wrong.

It's like a perpetual sense of nuisance, like knee or back pain. But on a spiritual level.

Especially when you reach a "crisis".

Oh the crisis, as I call them. When, after being fairly comfortable with your labels, you return to step 1 and have to reprocess everything from the start because you started to strongly doubt yourself.

The worst.

aroace and agender stuffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora