Maybe we aren't so different

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What. Stay the night?? Why is he being so nice to me all of a sudden? It doesn't make sense. He only pity's me. He doesn't actually care. But then again.... Where else am I suppose to go? I either stay with Mike for a few hours, or, I wait outside. In the dark.. I sighed and said "thanks Mike....", "No problem y/n-"he says, walking to the door, he looks back at me and says "aren't you coming??" he asked,  pointing to the door. I look at him and smile slightly, "y-yeah!" I said excitedly. He starts talking and I follow behind him, I close the door behind me and say "thanks for letting me hang out here for a few hours" he smiles at me, "I get it, my dad's the same way" My smile fades and I look at him, "Also- I'm sorry for punching you when we were in detention-" I apologized, "I mean, you were kind of a bitch for doing that" he joked. "I'm not a bitch for doing that and you know it. You were being annoying!" I said while laughing, he rolled his eyes "ok sure, you totally weren't a bitch for pulling my chair and making me fall, then tackling me and getting on top of me, and punching me over and over.."

"Well- when you put it like that, I guess you're right"

"I'm always right!"

"yeah right you fucking li-"

I was interrupted by a little girl yelling "MIKEY! COME HERE!" Michaels expression completely changed. He looked annoying, "ugh.. come with me" he said, walking upstairs, I followed him and he lead me to a hallway. He opened a door and for some reason looked angry, "what do you want Liz? I have a guest over." I heard a loud gasp, then the door swung open, the little girl immediately looked at me. "HI! WHAT'S YOUR NAME?! I'M ELIZABETH, BUT YOU CAN CALL ME LIZ! ARE YOU MICHAELS NEW GIRLFRIEND?!" I looked at Michael, his face was red and he looked even more mad than he looked before. "I-" Once again.... I was interrupted, "LIZ! SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND. She's only here for a few hours.", I look back at Liz, "Uh, anyways, my name's Y/n, it's nice to meet you!" she gives me a hug out of no where, "It's nice to meet you too!!" she looks at Michael then back at me, "Michael's kind of a loser, he doesn't brig girls over" she stated, I I laugh and look at Michael, he looks pissed. "I'M NOT A LOSER. AND I DO BRING GIRLS OVER" he yells, "like, one" Liz responded. "piss off, you stupid brat." he muttered, Liz gasped as if her feelings were hurt, "I'm gonna tell da-" "OKOK, I'm sorry, don't tell father."  he said, Elizabeth having a smirk on her face. "don't tell father!" I giggle while mocking Michaels accent. "SHUT UP! AND DON'T MAKE FUN OF MY ACCENT", him saying that just made me laugh harder, "FUCK YOU!" he yelled before punching me in the arm. "ow, you bitch" I said, "whatever, I'm going back down stairs." he seems kind of annoying, but embarrassed for some reason. I followed Michael down stairs and went to the kitchen. "Oh, yeah, Michael, did you and your girlfriend break up because of me and you playing 7 minutes in heaven?-" I asked hesitantly, thinking he'd get mad at me for asking something that clearly wasn't any of my business. "why do you wanna know?" he asked rudely, "never mind, I was just asking", he sighed and said "yes, it was bc of the stupid game we played." I kind of felt bad when he said that. I mean, why wouldn't I feel bad? Michael and his girlfriend broke up because of me. "I'm sorry for that" I apologized, "It's fine, I really don't care, I was gonna break up with her anyways", "by the way, Mike, what time is it? I think it's ok for me to go home now" I told him, He checked the time and told me "It's 10:18, do you want me to go with you?" he asked. I smiled, Michael could be sweet when he wanted to be. "sure!" I said, "LIZ! I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!" he yelled while putting his shoes on. We went to the door and walked to my house. It wasn't a long walk since I lived right next to him. I got to my door step and hesitantly grabbed the door nob. I looked at Michael with an unsteady look on my face. I let go of the door nob and turned to Michael. I don't know why, but for some reason I hugged him. "Thanks for letting me stay with you" I told him, he laughed and hugged me back, "I already said it's fine, it wasn't a big deal, it was only for a bit" he said. I let go of him and opened the door. "see ya tomorrow!" I said while walking inside. I immediately ran upstairs to my room. I changed my clothes and got into bed. I stayed up until 12:09 am, then tried to go to bed. I still couldn't sleep. I wonder what Michael's doing right now. Wait.... Why am I thinking of him?- I mean, Michael is kind of cute. Ugh. I need to stop thinking of him. Do I like him?... No. I can't like him. I haven't even known him for a long time. I should just forget about him already. He's a dickhead. But then again... He did let me stay with him for a few hours after hearing what happened between me and my parents. And, he did lie and say he started the fight, when in reality, I started the fight. I don't know how to feel about Mike. He keeps switching up... Why is he so confusing???- Whatever, who cares about Michael? Fuck him. He keeps acting rude as fuck and doing stupid shit, then acting totally different and acting all nice. But, I guess I don't hate him. I think I do like him..... Does he like me too? I mean, I might have a shot. Him and his girlfriend did break up. Also.. I wonder what he meant when he said he understood how I felt when I talked about my parents. Maybe we aren't so different....

(word count: 1065)

Michael Afton x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now