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Totally not projecting my own problems into
this chapter lmao.

I woke up, this time not from my alarm clock, I woke up because of yelling. Great.... Mom and dad are fighting again. What a surprise.

I looked at the clock, it read 4:59. No. I'm not dealing with this bullshit. It's too fucking early. Why are the even fighting so early in the morning? It's Monday. I layed back down in my bed. Suddenly, I heard a loud bang. Wow. Just perfect. I got up and creaked my door open just enough to see my mom and dad. There, I saw mom yelling with her wedding rings on the table, she was crying. Dad was yelling loud and had his hand resting on the table. I'm pretty sure the bang was him slamming his hand on the table. I really hope this doesn't get bad like their other fights they have.

I walked to my window and saw Michaels light on. Why the fuck is he up right now... He walked to the window to close the curtains, but then he saw me. He looked kind of confused. For some reason, being the dumbass he is, he crawled out the window, onto his roof, and slide down the drain pipe. He then hopped the fence to my yard and climbed the tree by my window and hopped onto my roof. He knocked on the window, singaling me to open it. I opened the window and he instantly came in. "Man... It's cold.." he said, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I whisper yelled. "I just wanted to see why you were still-" He got cut off by my parents screaming at each other. I wanted to cry from embarrassment. I looked at the floor and just sat down on my bed. He had a sympathetic look on his face, like he felt bad.

"y/n, are you ok?.."

I stayed silent. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. Fuck. I'm so stupid for crying in front of him. I've been waiting to hear someone ask me that for awhile. I covered my face and shook my head. He leaned over to me and gave me a hug. I was sobbing, but not making any noise. "it'll be ok, I promise" he said, trying to calm me down. I couldn't even speak, I was crying so much I could barely breathe. "I-I'm sorry.." I said, struggling to speak and breathe. "For what, dear?" he asked. God, it was so soothing when he spoke to me in that tone. "For crying in front of you, and because you had to hear my parents argue, it's embarrassing." I said softly. "It's ok love, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for!" He responded. I cried harder because of what he said. I've never had someone in my life be so sweet to me.... I hugged Michael and cried. 5:38 am, and here I am, crying with Michael holding me in his arms. I didn't want this to end. I want him to hold me in his arms and not let go. I felt so safe with Michael. He made me feel so special. Michael made me feel like I was the most important person to him. He didn't make me feel like I was so much more than just me. I love him so much. "Michael...." "what is it, love?" I love it sm when he calls me that. "Thank you." I said, "Thank you? for what?" he asked me, "for being here to comfort me." I answered. "you're welcome, y/n, I get it, my parents use to fight a lot too", "they don't anymore?" I asked. He paused for a second, then spoke, "well... no, I don't really have a mom." I pulled away from him holding me, "Michael.... I'm so sorry, I-" "it's ok, you didn't know." I looked at the clock, 6 am already? ugh.. "we have school..." I reminded him. "We could skip?" he suggested. I hesitated to answer. "you know what? Fuck it. Yeah, let's skip school today" I said.

I heard a loud crash. It sounded like glass.. Ugh... They're throwing things at each other. At least he hasn't hit her. Usually when they fight dad tries hitting mom. "just me and you? or is it gonna be me, you, and the others?" I asked, "just me and you, if you're ok with that" he replied. I'm so grateful that he was here for me, he's actually really good at comforting.

I heard a loud crash again. That's the third one, do I have to call the cops this time? I get up and go to the door that was still creaked open. I looked out into the hall and saw my mom on the floor and my dad still yelling. I'm guessing yes, I'm gonna have to call the cops. I mean, it's not the first time they've had a fight like this. I wish they didn't fight at all, I wish we were an actual family. Should I actually call the cops or go out there and do something?.... I think I just hate to do something, then, if it gets worse, I'll call the cops. "Michael I'll be right back.." I whispered to him, "Y/n, don't tell me you're going out there-" he said. "I'll be right back! it'll be quick!" I told him. He nodded and I walked out of my room, I walked to my mom and helped her up, she seemed to have a few bruises, but still seemed ok. "can you guys PLEASE stop? It's too early for this...." I said, "see? I told you, you'd wake y/n up." my dad said. He's such a fucking hypocrite. He was the one yelling. He just likes blaming things on other people, especially my mom. "Yep, let's play the blame game! JUST LIKE YOU ALWAYS LOVE TO PLAY." my mom yelled. "please, guys, It's too early, I just wanna go to bed. I'm tired and can't sleep with your yelling." My dad looked down at me and put a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry, it's just, she likes to make me mad." (yes that's an actual response from my dad that he's said multiple times.) "that's it? she made you mad so you hit her? That's not an excuse. I'm just happy it didn't get like how your other fights get." I said. "Please. Just go to bed."

They slightly nodded, my mom went to her room, and of course. My dad left, he always leaves after they fight, though, for some reason, he comes back. I kind of wish he wouldn't.

I walked back to my room and saw Michael sitting on my bed. I forgot he was here-
I sighed, "y/n... you're ok, right?" he asked, "I don't know Mike, my parents I had to listen to them fight since 4:59 am, my mental health is garbage, and I embarrassed the fuck out of myself while crying in front of you, do you think I'm ok?" I asked with an attitude. He stayed silent and looked down. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so rude." I said, walking over to my bed and laying down on the right next to where he was sitting. "It's fine, I get it" he said. "No, it's not fine, I shouldn't have responded that way when you were only trying to see if I was ok" I responded. He laid down with me, he hugged me. "it's ok, I swear" he said, Michael can be so nice when he wanted to be. We shifted a bit to get comfortable, I felt like crying again. Michael cuddled me, "y/n, it's gonna be ok, I promise you, it's gonna get better, be patient, please" he said. His words made me smile, "see! there it is! you smiled!" he laughed, "oh, shut up, mike" I responded, "wow, you hurt my feelings" he said, pretending to be hurt emotionally.

"Michael, you seem to really like hugs" I said, "sorry- do you want me to give you space?-" he asked, "no, no! I like it! It's ok, I'm sorry" I said, hugging him tight.

Michael let go and turned, which made him lay on his back. "Michael!, why'd you turn?!" I wined, putting my head on his chest. "Because, I wanted to" he said, laughing slightly. I got on top of him, "W-what are you doing?..." he stuttered. "getting comfortable" I said, while moving my body a bit and laying down on his chest. I looked up at Michael, his face seemed a bit red, "you ok?" I asked, "hah!- of course! never b-better!" he said. Yeah, I obviously don't believe him, but whatever. I was getting kind of tired. Michael noticed my yawn, "why don't you go to bed, you need to sleep" he said. "Alright.." I said, about to get off him, "what are you doing? just stay right there", I don't know why, but him saying that made me feel good. I laid back down on his chest, I felt Michael put his arms around me, it made me feel safe, he pulled the covers over us. "Mike?" "yeah?" "do I seem heavy? are you sure I shouldn't get off?" I asked, "no! of course not! you aren't heavy, it's ok, you seemed pretty comfortable right there anyways" he laughed, "well duh! you're pretty comfortable, not gonna lie" I responded. "ok, ok, get some rest! You need it", "fine, goodnight, mike" I said, "goodnight, sleep well, my love"

(word count: 1600)


AS I SAID BEFORE, this TOTALLY isn't based off of
my own problems:)

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