do we have a deal?

811 11 9

10:47 am

(y/n's pov)

I woke up, well rested. I look at Micha- wait. MICHAEL?!-

"AH!-" I yelled in suprisment, I rolled off to the side, falling off the bed. Michael sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "y/n..? what are you doing on the floor?..." he asked, still not fully awake. "sorry, sorry, I just forgot you were here..." I answered, getting up from the floor. "Anyways, what do you wanna do today?" he asked, "hm, I don't know, have any ideas?" I replied. "I don't know why are you asking me?" he said jokingly. 


3:27 pm

"MIKE!" I yelled, "what" he groaned. "I'm bored, lets go see simon, fred, and mark!" he paused for a second, "ok." why did he hesitate? Did he get in a fight with them? Should I ask?- Nah... I should just mind my business. 

Mike and I walked to the park, since it was kind of a hang out spot for the 4 of them. We saw all of them sitting at one of the picnic tables and mark was the only one seemed who noticed us, I like mark, he's cool! He got out of his seat and ran towards us, "Y/N, MIKE!" he yelled in excitement, "MARK!" I yelled back. He hugged me then greated Michael, "where were you guys today?" simon asked. "we didn't go to school today" I replied, I turned to look at michael, who seemed to have an annoyed expression on his face. "What's wrong?" I whispered to him, he grabbed my hand and pulled me aside, "quick question, do you like one of them?" he asked. WHAT?! You've got to be joking.... "what?... No." I answered. I giggled a bit, "are you jealous?" I asked, his face quickly became red with embarrassment. "NO. OF COURSE NOT! I... I was just asking." he said. 

why was he jealous? and why did he get embarrassed when I asked him? What's up with him?...


a few hours go by, to be honest, all we did was talk shit about a lot of people and make stupid jokes. Mike still seemed upset, I mean, maybe it's because I said we can spend the day together and instead of actually doing that, we hung out with his friends-

I pretended to yawn, "Mike, wanna go to my house? we could have a sleep over, my parents aren't gonna be home for a bit, so you could come over! only if you want to" I said, "yeah, sure, lets go", "we should all have a sleep over!" simon and mark said excitedly. "no." mike replied, "come on, mike, what's up with this jealous act of yours? it's not like we have a crush on y/n, unli-" Fredrick tried to say, before getting cut off by michael. "SHUT. UP. DON'T EVEN SAY IT!" he yelled furiously.

 "uh, anyways, yeah, we should have a sleep over all together! what do you say mike?" I asked, "no." he said, still mad. "please, mikey" I said teasingly, he sighed, "as I said before, NO. And stop calling me mikey." he said with an annoyed tone.

"why can't we have a sleep over all together?" simon asked, "because mike thinks we're gonna take his future girlfriend from him" mark laughed, "I DON'T LIKE Y/N! We're just friends, NOTHING MORE, so stop. And also, she's not my type AT ALL. I would never date someone like her. Me and y/n would never become a thing. And, honestly, for me to date someone like her would just be out of pity. I'd never like someone like that, I mean, look at her! And come on, I have a reputation at school! All she would do is ruin that for me. I would never be with someone as pathetic as her, like, come on! you've GOT to be joking!" he laughed.

ouch. That one hurt. 

"we were just joking, so calm the fuck down." fred said. I just stayed quiet and looked down, I felt like I was about to cry. "come on y/n lets go" mark said. To be honest, I trust mark, he seemed really weird when I first met him, but he's a pretty cool person. 

Mark walked me to my doorstep, "listen, y/n, I'm really sorry about Michael, I swear, I'll talk to him, honestly, I don't know what happen, I mean, he does like y-" He said before stopping himself. "he likes who?" I asked, "uhm..... YARA! YEAH! He... Likes Yara!" he replied. What? Yara? Who even is that?- "uh, who's yara?" I asked, "a girl in grade" he said hesitantly, as if he wasn't supposed to tell me anything. 

I felt nothing but rage. How could I be so BLIND?! Michael didn't like me. He just felt bad for me, so he hung around me, comforted me, and even made me like him. He pity's me. He's right. He'd never like someone like me. He has a reputation. I'd just be an embarrassment. 

He's above me. I'm below him. 

I can't believe I let this happen. I knew he was trouble, and I didn't care. I stuck around him.

"y/n?..." mark said, trying to get my attention. 

"yeah? what is it?" I asked, making it pretty obvious that I was about to cry. " Are you ok?" He asked. I instantly had tears rolling down my cheeks. I stayed silent and looked down. 

Mark opened his arms and hugged me tightly. "I get it, what he said was really fucked up a-" 

"mark..." I interrupted him. "uh-m yeah?-" he replied, "can I tell you something?.." I asked. 

I think I can trust Mark... He's a really good friend, so I should tell him.

"yeah! of course, anything!" he replied, "ok. But, please. Don't tell ANYONE! Not simon, not fred, and def not Michael, you CAN'T tell Mike...." I said, "ok, ok, I promise, I won't tell anyone, but what is it that you wanna te-" 

"I like michael." 

He went silent. He looked shocked, confused, and also happy, with a bit of excitement too. "YOU LIKE- wow- but- why?" he asked while laughing a lot. "I mean, he's a total dickhead, he's rude to everyone, he basically rules the school, and he said some pretty messed up shit to you just right now", "yeah, yeah, ok, I get it, he's a dickhead and he totally doesn't like me, and we'll never be together" I said. "well, I don't know about that...." he mumbled a bit. "what do you mean by that?" I said, getting my hopes up. "huh? oh- uh-, sorry, y/n, if I could, I would tell you, but I can't, I'm pretty sure I'd get beaten up if I told you" he laughed. 

beaten up? what? what is he not aloud to tell me? what's he hiding? 

"ok, well, can you tell me about this 'yara' girl? is she prettier than me? is she funnier and is she cool?" I continued with my questions, "ugh.... y/n, I Don't know" mark groaned. "well can you at least tell me what you know? I can't let her get with Michael. I just won't allow it.", "oh my god... Y/N- ARE YOU JEALOUS?!" he teased, "WHAT!? NO." I yelled. "There's NO WAY I would get jealous because of that dumb brit boy" I continued, "oh, please. I'd never met a girl that wasn't obsessed with his stupid little accent." 

Then it hit me... ALISSA.


"ok, so I do like his accent, but I do know a girl who doesn't like it!" I said, "ok, who?" he asked.

I smiled while opened the door to my house and inviting mark in. He sat down and I walked to the house phone. I dialed alissa's number and waited for her to pick up. 

"uh, hello?" she said, "alissa, it's me, y/n" "oh! hi!" "can you come over right now?" I asked, "uhm, sure" she answered, "ok, I'll be waiting!" I laughed.

"what did you just do?" mark asked, "I invited my friend!" I answered, "who is it?" he asked, "Alissa Tanner", his face heated up.


"I mean, I guess..."

Almost instantly, I got an idea, "let's make a deal." I said, "oh, yeah? what kind of deal?" he asked. "I'll help you get with Alissa if you can help me get with Michael." I said while holding my hand out for him to shake. "you'll help me get with Alissa Tanner if I help you get with Michael Afton? Literally the rudest guy in the world?" He laughed, "shut up, do we have a deal?" I said. He paused for a minute and sighed. "Deal." he answered. Right as he said that, Alissa knocked on the door. "AH- SHE'S HERE" he yelled, "SHUT UP, just be cool, ok?" he nodded in response. 

I walked to the door and opened it to see not just Alissa standing at my doorstep, but also Michael.


 "Alissa! Come on in!" I said, pretending michael wasn't there, "you're not gonna let him it?" she asked, "who? I don't see ANYONE." I said, making it clear for him to leave. 

He rolled his eyes and walked inside, "y/n, can I talk to you, please?" he asked. I grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him upstairs to my room. "what the fuck do you want?!" I said furiously. "first you ruin my date and beat up zack, then you get mad because I'm hanging out with him, then you get mad that I'm hanging around your friends, THEN, YOU BLOW UP ON FREDRICK AND TELL HIM HOW PATHETIC I AM." I yelled. He started to tear up. "Mike?- Ok, I'm sorry, please, don't cry" I said, a few tears rolled down his cheeks. I sighed and gave him a hug. "Michael, what's going on with you?" I asked. "to be honest, I really don't know how to explain it to you without telling you something I shouldn't." he said, "what? what do you mean?" I asked. I remembered what mark said about who mike likes.

does she not like him back or something? is that why he's all sad? "does yara not like you back?" I asked, "what the hell? I don't like yara! She likes me! She's so annoying" he said, I sighed in relief. "y/n, I'm really sorry for saying all that stuff about you, ok? I know what I did was unforgivable, and it of course was not ok. But I'm really sorry, I don't think you're pathetic, y/n, if anything, I'm the one who's pathetic!" he said, "mike.. Don't say that!" I replied, "It's true! I'm rude, I'm obnoxious as fuck, I'm annoying, I act like I'm better than everyone, and I always mess things up!" He laughed. "michael, shut up! I love- I-I- LOVE THE WAY YOU ARE- yeah-" I said, stopping myself from almost saying 'i love you', "I love how you can be so dumb sometimes, it's what makes you funny, and you don't let people get to you" I continued, "awe! y/n, you love me?!" He teased. "shut up. let's go back down stairs."  


I ran back down stairs to find mark looking like a tomato and Alissa holding her hand to his face, trying to check if he has a fever. "MARK!" I yelled laughing, he looked at me quickly, "Y/N- I- yeah- I think I'm gonna go home-" "do you need me to walk with you? I'm pretty sure we live in the same neighbor-" "N-NO! I can walk by myself!" he said, before quickly walking out the door. 

"what's up with him?" Alissa asked.

"I wonder." I said, laughing.

(word count: 1953) 

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