Date crashers suck.

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I wonder what Michael's problem was... Was he jealous? I hope not, I'm not trying to make him mad. You know what... I don't have time to be worrying about Mike. I need to figure out what I'm gonna wear. I walked over to my dresser and began looking for an outfit. "AH HAH! I FOUND ONE!" I pulled out a pair of baggy jeans with an old band shirt I found in my closet. I looked at the clock, really? 5:30? Why do I have sm extra time?! Ugh. Fuck it, I'm gonna start getting ready. After I was done, I still had about an house left. I decided to go see Michael, maybe I could ask him what his problem was with me going with zack. I put my shoes on and left to Michaels house.


I heard shuffling, then suddenly, Simon answered the door. "cheating on zack with Michael, I see?" he teased, "no. me and zack aren't together." I said, getting kind of annoyed already. "Whatever. What do you want?" He asked in a rude tone, "can I see Mike?" I asked, Simon sighed and yelled, "MICHAEL! YOUR LITTLE GIRLFRIEND'S HERE TO SEE YOU!", him saying that single sentence made my blood boil.. Michael came running down the stairs and shoved simon out of the way. "Y/N! what are you doing here?" he asked panting. "I'm here to see you" I laughed. "OH! uh ok, come in, I guess" He said as I walked inside his house. "simon, go upstairs" mike ordered. "why?" he asked, mike seemed mad by him asking that, "DUDE. GO UPSTAIRS" mike yelled, "ok, ok, damn," simon laughed while walking up the stairs. "Sorry for that, anyways, what did you wanna talk about?" he asked, "Michael, why were you so mad when I said I was going on a date with zack? what's your problem..?" I asked


"Michael, why were you so mad when I said I was going on a date with zack? what was your problem..?" she asked. Should I tell her? no. MICHAEL WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! DON'T TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL! Just... Wait to tell her. "Y/n- I-" I stuttered, "yeah?"she said, "I don't have a problem with you dating zack, I don't know why I was acting like that" I lied, I really e=want to tell her how I feel, but, how....? 


"I don't have a problem with you dating zack, I don't know why I was acting like that" he said, "awe, mike, that's sweet!" I said as I leaned in for a hug. Mike had flinched for some reason and pulled me away. "w-what are you doing?-" he asked, I was so confused. "I was giving you a hug?" I said in confusion. His expression changed and he looked happy. He leaned back in for a hug, I hugged him back but checked my watch. IT'S 6:56?! FUCKKKK!!! I pulled away from the hug quickly, "I'M SO SORRY MICHAEL! BUT I HAVE TO GO!" I said while running out the door. All he did was watch me leave, he looked so sad when I left, I felt really bad. 

I ran inside upstairs to the bathroom, I checked my hair, to fix it up a bit. Once I finished I heard honking. I ran to my room and looked outside the window. There, stood zack, damn, he had a nice ass car. I ran outside and gave zack a hug. "woah! excited much?" he laughed "VERY!" I said, he chuckled and walked over to the car, he opened my door and waited for me to get in. Once I got in he walked around and got into the drivers seat. "So! where are you taking me?" I jokingly asked, "it's a surprise!" he said. It took a few minutes to get there. He stopped the car and told me to cover my eyes. I did as he said, he grabbed my hand and lead me out of the car. "Ok! you can uncover them!" I took my hand off my face to see a beautiful sunset! I gasped and looked at him. We both smiled at each other, "so? like it?" he asked, "like it?! FUCK! I LOVE IT! IT'S BEAUTIFUL!" I said as he laughed at my words.

We talked for hours! But, it started to get a bit cold. I shivered, "cold? do you want my jacket?" he asked, "y-yes please!-" I said while shivering from the cold air. I put the jacket on, but then zack grabbed my face and tried to kiss me. What the fuck? I pulled away fast, "zack I- I like you, but I don't like you anymore than a friend.." I said. He seemed kind of sad. "Oh- I'm sorry" he apologized, I smiled "it's ok" I responded. I got on zack and rested on his chest.

 Out of no where, a car pulled up.  I got off zack and we both looked over. I was worried, but then.. Of course. Michael and his fucking gang got out of the car. I walked over to Michael, "Mike, please, leave, you said you didn't have a problem with me being with zack." I said, he smelled like alcohol. Are you fucking serious? He was drinking? But why was he the only one drunk? His friends seemed sober.  They looked worried. Michael looked at zack with a furious look and started walking towards him.

"Mike, please don't do thi-" I said before he shoved me, causing me to fall. Zack looked pissed. "Michael, what the hell is your prob-" he got cut off by Mike punching him in the face. Mark came over to me and helped me get up. What do I do?.. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Zack yelled. Michael shoved zack back, hard enough for him to fall. Zack tried to get up but Michael put his foot on zacks chest and pushed him back down.

"MIKE!" I yelled, trying to run to him and stop the fight. Fredrick grabbed my wrist, "y/n, stop, he's not going to listen to you, we already tried talking him out of this, clearly, it didn't work" he said. I started crying. This is my fault. I could have avoided this happening if I hadn't said yes to going on a date with zack. This wouldn't have happened if I had said no.... Mark, Fredrick, and Simon all looked away from me and just watched the fight. Mark pulled me in and made me face his chest so that I wouldn't have to watch the fight. Wow, Michaels friends were dicks but they could be nice. I thought they were just assholes all the time. Surprisingly, he was actually comforting.

Everything went silent. I turned around and saw zack passed out on the floor. I ran over to him and cradled him. I cried, "zack..." I was so mad, I got up and slapped Mike. "you said you didn't have a problem with me being with zack! WE AREN'T EVEN DATING SO WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE A JEALOUS ASS LITTLE KID?!" I yelled, "you guys aren't dating?.." Mike asked. Are you fucking kidding me? "NO, DIPSHIT. ME AND ZACK ARE NOT TOGETHER." I continued to yell. Michael looked like he felt bad.

"Y/n I-" He tried to say. what the fuck? you can't just beat up my date then try to apologize. 

"NO. I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING HEAR IT. I DON'T WANNA HEAR YOUR PATHETIC ASS APOLOGY." I yelled, I looked over at Mark, "can you drive?" I asked with a serious tone. 

"Yeah, why?" he asked

"You're gonna drive. Michael clearly can't, SINCE HE'S A DUMBASS." I said, looking back at Mike. Mark agreed to drive, they all got into the car and drove away. I walked back to zack, "zack?" I asked, checking if he was awake yet. "what?" he mumbled, "YOU'RE AWAKE!" I was so happy, I started crying again, "woah, woah, I'm ok, calm down!" he tried to comfort me. "Can you stand properly?" I asked, "probably not." He said. I got stood up and helped zack get to the car, I put him in the passenger seat, since he was pretty fucked up. "Where do you live? I'll drive you there, then just walk home from there." I said, he told me where he lived and I dropped him off. 

I started walking home. Man... Date crushers suck. Why did he lie to me? he said he didn't have a problem with me and Zack together? I can't believe him! All I wanted was to NOT upset Michael and have a good date. But instead, I did the complete opposite.|

(word count: 1442)

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