just us.

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(MICHAEL'S POV again-)

as usual, I was hanging out with my friends. "is it ok for y/n to hang out with us?" I asked, "you're little girlfriend?" Mark laughed. "SHUT UP. SHE ISN'T MY GIRLFRIEND!" I yelled, "not yet!" Fredrick whispered. "Y/N IS ONLY-" "why don't you just ask for help? we know you wanna get with her! come on mike, we'll make sure you guys get together!" simon giggled. At this point, I just shut my mouth. "whatever.. let's go to y/n's house." I mumbled.

I knocked on her door and zack opened it. "what the fuck are you doing here?" we both said. Y/n walked into the room and saw me at the door. "oh- haha- uhm- Mi-" she tried to say. "Why is he here?" me and zack said. Fuck, I was already getting tired of him. "OH MY GOD. I SWEAR. I'M GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS AGAIN IF YOU DON'T STOP TALKING" I yelled, he gave me a dirty look in return. "Michael, what do you want?" she asked, wow, rude much? "I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out, but I guess, you're 'busy' with zack." I replied to her question. She looked at zack, then back at me. "No, no! We can hang out!" she said, "y/n, me and you were sup-" zack tried to tell her, "can we do this another time?" she asked zack, what did she mean? were they..? no. There's no way her and him were fucking. Not a chance. Right? I mean, what does zack have that I don't? I should ask y/n- wait.. Won't she get mad? It's none of my business. You know what, whatever, I'm still gonna ask y/n, she'd probably tell me.


"Y/n, can I talk to you real quick?"
"Mike, shut up, go talk to your future-"
at this point, I was getting annoyed, "MIKE!" I yelled, he turned to look at me, he glared at his friends then turned back around and walked to a pole with me so his friends couldn't hear our conversation. "Y/n, are you and zack fucking?-" he asked hesitantly, how do I respond to that? I never get asked if I'm fucking someone- I mean, I've never had sex before, but still. My face heated up a bit and I responded with, "why do you wanna know?", god, that's gonna make it seem like me and zack are actually messing around. He sighed, "Y/n, I li-, I-, FUCK." what the hell? what is he trying to say? His face heated up and he looked back at his friends, they gave him a thumbs up, he turned around and looked at me. "never mind." he said, he tried to turn around and start walking but I grabbed his hand, "Mike, please, tell me" I said, he squeezed my hand "it's nothing, I just wanted to know" he replied, I smiled, "mike, you have nothing to worry about, me and zack were just talking, I needed advice about something" he still seemed kind of annoyed for some reason. "Well, you could have gotten advice from me" I just laughed and told him "ok, ok, next time, I'll ask you for advice instead of him", "good." He pulled my hand and started walking while I followed, Mike didn't let go, it's almost like, he didn't want to. "Mike, you still have my hand" I said, "so?" He asked, his friends laughed. "aw, mike has a girlfriend now!" mark shouted. Michael scouled and blushed while looking down. "where are we even going" I asked, "park" fredrick replied. I heard the 3, mark, fredrick, and simon, whispering. I pretended to not hear. "do you think it's official?" simon asked, "no! of course not, he's too much of a pussy to ask her out" Fredrick whisper shouted, mark didn't say anything, he just listened and giggled.

Finally, we got to the park. It felt like we had been walking for ages..... The 4 of them sat on a bench, there was no room left for me. Mark smirked, "you know, y/n, you could just sit on Mike's lap!" He laughed. Michael's face instantly heated up. "W-WHAT?!" we both yelled. "Oh, come on, Mike, you know you want it!" simon said, agreeing with mark. "I MEAN- I- N- UGH! WHATEVER." he yelled, "just sit on mike already, y/n" Fredrick said. "I- well.. Uhm.. I think I'll stand-" I said, "y/n, come on!" "Yeah, come on, y/n!" mark and simon laughed. I looked at Michael, his face was so red! Mark and simon were being so annoying....... "only if Michael says it's ok." I replied, "MIKE" mark, simon, and fredrick all yelled while laughing, Michael sighed, "ok, ok. I guess I'm ok with it-" He finally said. Fuck.. I can't believe I'm actually gonna do this, I'm gonna sit on a boys lap, someone who I barely met.

I sat down and shifted a bit, trying to get comfortable. God... I feel so stupid for doing this shit. Man- I can't even get comfortable-

I kept shifting around in attempt to get comfortable. I felt Michael tense up, he leaned his head on my shoulder, "c-can you st..op moving s-....o much?" he whispered to me. I looked at his friends, they were just smiling and giggling at me and Michael. I turned around to look at Mike, which made me shift even more. His cheeks were flushed. He looked so red, he was looking to the side to avoid eye contact. Then, it hit me. Michael had a- oh my lord. Should I get off?- WHAT DO I DO- THIS IS SO AWKWARD!!

"HAH, MICHAEL GOT A BONER!" Simon yelled, "NO I DIDN'T" Michael yelled in embarrassment, "ok, then, get up" mark said while giggling. Michael stayed quiet. "Maybe I should-" I tried to say, "N-NO! don't go-" Michael spoke up. HE WANTS ME TO STAY ON HIS DAMN LAP? This kid is weird as hell- "you must be liking her on your lap then!" fredrick giggled, "NO! I-It's not that I like it!" He said, "so you admit that you like her on your lap?" mark asked while laughing. "WHA- NO- THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT-" in attempt to defend himself. They continued to argue, I tuned them out and leaned back, leaning on Michael. Which, of course, caused me to shift again. "BRO, I SWEAR THAT'S NO-" I cut him off while shifting. His back straightened.

"SEE, MIKE! YOU LIKE IT!" Fredrick yelled, he was laughing so hard. "CAN WE TALK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE ALREADY?!" Michael yelled. Everyone paused for a second, "do you still have a-" simon tried asking, "WOW, LOOK AT THE TIME, I SHOULD WALK Y/N HOME!-" Michael interrupted. I mean, he was right, it was getting late. I got up and Michael quickly followed, pulling his shirt down to cover his- situation going on down there.... "mike, come on! we were just joking! There's no need to be embarrassed!" mark said.

Michael ignored him, michael turned around and started walking, I quickly followed him. The walk was quite silent before Michael spoke up, "y/n- There's a party going on, at Marks house, I was wondering if you'd wanna go with me?-" he asked. Was he asking me to be his date? Or are we just friends? Or is this a trap?... No, he wouldn't. Whatever. "uh, yeah, can I bring Alissa?" I asked, maybe her being there will make things less weird. "Well- I kind of wanted to go with just-" he stopped himself and sighed, "yeah. Alissa can come." he replied, he sounded disappointed. I felt really bad, maybe Alissa shouldn't come with me? but without her it'll be really awkward... "I-I mean, Alissa doesn't have to come! It can just be you and I only!" I said. His expression changed almost instantly, he looked happy because of what I said. "Yeah, it's not that I don't want her to be there, I just wanna be with you, you know?" "yeah, I get it, when this party anyway?" I asked. Honestly, I was really excited he wanted to go with me, but I'm also hella nervous. "Friday night" he answered, "alright! do you wanna meet me there, or do you wanna go together?" I asked him. "well, duh, together, it would be rude to make you walk by yourself all alone!" he said jokingly with a smug look on his face. "haha. You're so funny, Mikey" I said sarcastically. "Really? 'Mikey'? we're doing this again?" he asked while laughing a bit. I smiled, "yup" I answered.

the rest of the walk was just us talking and laughing a lot. I loved talking to Michael. He made me feel safe in a way. He made me laugh, and he made me feel happy. Before I knew it, our time together had to end, we were at my house already. He walked me to the doorstep, "see ya y/n.." he said. I smiled at him, "I'll see you at school, michael, goodnight" I said while turning around to open the door. "I- Uh- Sleep well, y/n!" He stuttered out. I giggled, "you too, mike", I closed the door behind me and walked up to my room.

I sighed. Today was so fun with Michael! Except when I sat- Uhm- yeah. Other than that, it was really fun, and I loved to talk to him. Michael makes me feel a certain way.... I'm sure I like him, but it's more than just liking him, I love his accent, it's so cute and funny, I love how he treats me nice and isn't rude to me anymore! I love how he gets so embarrassed when I call him mikey, it's so adorable! ..........Wait. Why do I sound like a fangirl?- UGH! I SOUND WEIRD FOR ADMIRING HIM SO MUCH. He probably doesn't even feel the same. But then again... He seemed kind of nervous today. And what was he gonna tell me before? "Y/n- I li-, I-, FUCK." Why couldn't he just tell me? What's going on with him?.. Maybe I should go over to his house after school tomorrow. I'll talk to him, it would be kind of weird to talk to him about this at school, I don't want anyone to hear us. It'll be just us two.

(word count: 1748)

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