Chapter 47: Back to the Palace

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All the way down the path back to the Yongguo Imperial Capital, it was already two days later.

Yongguo Royal Palace, red walls and green tiles, solemn, magnificent.

The cold winter is gradually passing and everything is gradually revived, ushering in a bright and warm spring.

The situation in the palace was tense to the point of tension.

Li Su gathered his soldiers and horses in the imperial capital, and he brazenly went out from the imprisoned mansion, with the army soldiers and horses behind him, and more and more brazenly co-opted the courtiers in the court, formed a party for personal gain, tried to rebel, and forced Li Qingyun to die in the palace to recuperate.

In the court, although the hundred officials and courtiers were silent, they repeatedly stated that they would not betray the current emperor and monarch. But I still hope in my heart that someone can be the head bird.

After all, the Qunchen were afraid of the emperor who sat on a high position and used almost cruel means, at the same time, they also hoped that someone could pull Li Qingyun off the horse, but no one was willing to be this target, if Li Qingyun was well, the power was in his hands, and his means of dealing with the enemy were not benevolent.

No one wants to be the corpse under Li Qingyun's feet. Li Su arrogantly appeared at the gate of the Longzhao Palace with his own Janissaries and shouted, "Ninth Brother! If you give up the throne to the fifth brother, the fifth brother will help you take charge of the country!"

These arrogant remarks were feared in the hearts of the people in the palace.

Some of the palace eunuchs in the Longzhao Palace knew that it was the dark guards around His Majesty who were lying inside, not His Majesty.

If this matter is discovered, Li Su will definitely make a big fuss.

"Five Princes, you are here again" Lu Gonggong attacked the eunuch's brocade dress, wearing a delicate top hat, and slowly walked with a whisk of dust.

He smiled shrewdly and evilly, and his eyes were extremely disdainful, looking at Li Su, his voice was sharp, Li Su sneered:

"A eunuch who has no roots also dares to take Qiao in front of this king!" He Li Qingyun is the Heavenly King Lao Tzu, and he has not been well for two months, is he already dead in the palace!"

Lu Gonggong's eyes narrowed: "Fuck! Li Qingyun won't really die!"

Li Su's face turned black and white.

When he remembered his childhood, he remembered looking timidly at his ninth brother, holding his hand, and seeing that his face was very cold, although he was afraid, he still plucked up the courage to hug him, and said softly: "The fifth brother is so tall, Ah Yun has to tiptoe to hold him."

"Roll!" Li Su's face darkened.

At that time, Li Qingyun was startled by his fierceness, raised his face, and his eyes were still a little moist: "Brother, don't be fierce Ah Yun."

"I'll let you roll!" Li Su grabbed Li Qingyun's wrist and pushed him away, Li Qingyun was pushed down by him, and he stepped on Li Qingyun's delicate hand viciously, condescending to look at the Ninth Brother's pitiful pleading and crying, leaned down and grabbed his hair, and said in a vicious voice: "Don't mess with me, little slut!"

As he wished, the Ninth Brother finally cried, and he was so fierce that he did not even dare to cry. Bullying him is really fun.

"I'm not them! Be mesmerized by you and your prostitute mother! Li Qingyun, what do you mother compare with us, you are a sinister breed, and you deserve to be called my brother! Stop crying! I'm bored like a breed!"

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