Chapter 133: Yao Ling: Ah Li's stand-in?!!

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Outside the house, Xiaoying brought lunch, and when she saw this scene in the house, she was stunned for a while. He had never seen Gongzi so sad, and he couldn't help but feel sad in his heart, secretly praying that Gongzi's twin brother could get better as soon as possible. Xiaoying looked at Li Qingyun, I don't know why, a little scared, no, it shouldn't be said that it was afraid.

That feeling is probably respect, and involuntary surrender.

Although this man in red is beautiful, his Danfeng eyes seem to seduce people if there is nothing, but because of his natural noble and conceited aura and if there is oppression, people dare not look at it directly.

Xiaoying brought the meal and put it on the table.

Li Qingyun's phoenix eyes looked straight at the pair of identical twins, and slowly lowered their phoenix eyes. About a simmer of incense.

Dugu Ci wiped his tears and smiled reluctantly at Li Qingyun: "I'm sorry to make you laugh, I saw Ah Li, I couldn't control it."

"I can understand that he is your own brother. Li Qingyun moved his eyes, "Yes, it is natural to be a brother and hurt his brother, because we are relatives and have the same blood flowing in our bodies." Dugu Ci noticed Li Qingyun's somewhat changed expression, and immediately silenced, and then asked, "What's wrong"

Li Qingyun slowly shook his head and sat down at the table, he did think of his dead royal brothers at this moment.

He also longed for the royal brothers to truly love him as if he were his own brother, but the royal conspiracy and power struggle deformed their family relationship. No royal brother treated him as an imperial brother, even if it was the third royal brother, his love was too Li

Qingyun to feel a hand gently on the top of his head, and a faint scent of medicine hit.

He froze and looked up at Dugu Ci, who was touching the top of his head.

Dugu Ci's eyes were clear, and a gentle smile appeared. Like a breeze and dawning moon, restrained and gentle, like a gentle breeze blowing across the earth, with the warmth that purifies all darkness, like a warm lamp that illuminates the long night, he chuckled: "I am Ah Li's brother, naturally you are also your brother, you are Ah Li's lover, I will treat you like Ah Li, treat you as my own brother."

Li Qingyun's eyes were slightly stunned, at that moment, he was a little moved, Ah Li's brother can really be called gentle and gentle.

Although but yet "I am older than you." Li Qingyun said honestly.

Dugu Ci's cheeks instantly reddened, he withdrew his hand, and said to himself: Age is nothing, you and Ah Li are husband and wife, Ah Li calls me brother, you have to call me like this. "It's just more and more chaotic, Dugu Ci really didn't think that Li Qingyun was older than him, obviously looking at the same age.

He was silenced in the end, walked to the side and sat down, sighed, he really was not suitable for talking to people, it was too embarrassing, and I didn't know if Li Qingyun would find him offended.

Li Qingyun burst out laughing for a moment.

Dugu Qi looked at Li Qingyun suspiciously.

Li Qingyun said, "You and Ah Li are really two extremes."

Speaking of Ah Li, Dugu Ci asked cautiously: Li Qingyun said softly:

"He is the flying snow of silver jade in the clouds, the white plum of Ling Shuang and Aoxue, the flawless cold jade, and the peerless beauty."

Dugu is truly stunning and really cold as frost and snow.

"He once said that he wanted to live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and live a fairy life without desire or desire.
But he also said word by word, crying over and over again, telling himself that he knelt before him as the most loyal subject and swore that he would always be loyal to Li Qingyun, like what he liked, hate what he hated, take Li Qingyun's goal as the goal, dedicate everything he has all his life, protect Li Qingyun, eradicate dissidents for his king, and offer all love for his wife.

"He loves me and wants to marry me. Li Qingyun smiled, "For some reasons, I didn't promise him." But now, when he woke up, I responded to all his wishes, married him, and became him Li Qingyun paused, coughed lightly, and said, "Marry him." Dugu Ci said gently, "You love Ah Li very much."

Li Qingyun clenched the cup, he didn't want to say it now, Dugu said with a smile: He slowly lowered his eyes:

"I hope that Ah Li can be happy, so I also hope that you and Ah Li can hold the hand of the son and grow old with the son in the future."

"Will do. "Li Qingyun will definitely be able to find the thousand-year-old holy lizard that came back to life.

"Well, definitely. Dugu Ci said with a smile: "When you come to Miaojiang here, you will definitely be able to find the king of Miaojiang and save Ah Li." On the top, Dugu Li fell asleep and fell into darkness, but Ah Yun's voice could be faintly heard in his ears. He hears that Ayun wants to marry him, and Ayun says that when he wakes up, he will grant all his wishes.

It was dark all around, and silence fell again.

The desire to survive has never been stronger.

He wants to live, he wants to marry Ayun.

He wanted to see Ah Yun wearing a big red wedding dress and marrying him, he wanted to see Ah Yun wearing a wedding dress and crying cute under him, he wanted to hear Ah Yun cry in his ear every day, and look at him with loving eyes every day.

He thought, he couldn't think about it.

After he had to live and take a short rest, the group went out of the mansion to

find the rumored "King of Miaojiang".

"Excuse me, have you heard of the King of Miaojiang"

Li Qingyun asked patiently.

"No, no, don't bother me doing business. "

Excuse me, have you ever heard of the Miaojiang Demon King?" asked Li Qingyun.

"What a handsome and beautiful son! The Miaojiang Demon King Nu family has not heard of it, but the most beautiful and wavent woman in Miaojiang is in front of Gongzi"

Li Qingyun's face was blue and frequently retreated. Dugu Ci, Ye Wufeng Xiaoying and the others also returned in vain. Leng Qi lowered his head and frowned: "Master, Miaojiang is looking from house to house, there may not be the whereabouts of the Miaojiang king, if it is Sang Ruyu, the king of Miaojiang, and Dugu Ci of the Miaojiang royal family, he hurriedly said: "We don't know them at all in the Miaojiang royal family, the Miaojiang royal family are very arrogant, they won't see us at all, will they say and how to ask" Leng Qi looked at Li Qingyun.

Li Qingyun's eyes were slightly cold:

"Dangdang!" A peach blossom appeared in front of him, startling Li Qingyun. Yao Ling wore a dark purple alien costume, and the silver bells on his body were pleasant. He jumped up to Li Qingyun and said with a very cute smile: "My dearest Majesty Li Qingyun!" You are finally willing to come to Miaojiang to play with me! I have received several letters from you, but my father and brother have not allowed me to go to the Yongguo! There are many war thieves outside, and I dare not go out, but you have to believe it! Obsidian definitely misses you!

Li Qingyun got goosebumps all over his body, one meter away from him.

Dugu Ci and the others were taken aback by this Miaojiang man who suddenly rushed out.

"This is," Dugu asked.

"Hey!" Yao Ling saw Dugu Ci, his eyes were full of light, and he leaned on Dugu Ci again, and exclaimed: After speaking, he retreated in horror:

I really didn't mean to do the matter of Duanjia Village Lingxi and Hehuan's cheat! I really just took it by mistake, don't rely on me for this matter! I don't want to either Target.

Dugu looked at Yao Ling dumbfounded.

Li Qingyun had already grabbed Yao Ling's ears, his face full of black lines: "Look carefully at who this is!" He is not alone, don't admit it wrong. "

Ah," Yao Ling muttered, "It's not Dugu, who is that?" Yao Ling took another closer look.

Dugu Ci had never seen such a cheerful person, so he took a step back and looked at Yao Ling with some puzzlement. Yao Ling sighed "oh" and pointed to Dugu Ci's forehead:

He pointed to Dugu Ci and looked at Li Qingyun. He was Li Qingyun and Dugu Ci who thought Yao Ling had guessed it. As a result, Yao Ling suddenly popped up with a sentence: As soon as this word came out, several crows seemed to fly overhead.

Dugu Ci was already embarrassed to look for cockroaches.

Li Qingyun has never wanted to beat someone to death so much for a moment. He slapped Yao Ling's head, his face full of black lines: he is Ah Li's twin brother, named Dugu Ci. "

Ah, oh Ling scratched Ling scratched his head, not only was he not embarrassed, but he intensified, and the words were written like this" Seeing Li Qingyun's eyes getting colder and colder, Yao Ling was immediately silenced.

"Prince Yaoling, I want to know the whereabouts of the Purple Saint King of Miaojiang, and I hope you can tell me the truth. Li Qingyun said: "Ah Li is sick and needs to be treated by this trickster king." If you can help me, I will naturally not lose the benefits of you and Miaojiang. Yao Ling blinked his eyes in understanding.

The group looked at Yao Ling quietly and said. Yao Ling pondered for a moment: "King Purple Sage, in the history of our Miaojiang, he has been dead for thousands of years, it is impossible for him to live so long, even if he can live for so long, we have no reason not to know."

Dugu Ci asked: "There are no special strange things, such as forbidden places, secret smells or something" "Hmm"

Yao Ling looked at Dugu Ci, thought for a moment, thought for a moment, there are strange things, I am also very proficient in exploring these strange things, but it takes time.

"Then please, Yao Ling, in three days, we will be waiting for you here." Li Qingyun said. Yao Ling pouted and said aggrievedly:

"You still dare to mention that matter!" Li Qingyun's eyes were slightly angry. Yao Ling immediately retreated: "It's too fierce for you, I'll go first, I'll see you in three days!!"

When the words fell, Yao Ling disappeared as soon as the smoke slipped away.

Dugu Ci was puzzled: "What is Hehuan"

Li Qingyun choked, he did not answer, turned around and continued to find someone to find the whereabouts of the Miaojiang Demon King.

Dugu Ci looked at Li Qingyun's back and asked Ye Wufeng again, Ye Wufeng shook his head, saying that he didn't know, although they lived in Miaojiang, they didn't come into contact with Miaojiang people, and they wouldn't raise cheats, who knew what Hehuan cheats were.

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