Chapter 94: Asura Reappears

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The people of Xudu of the Jin Kingdom whispered to each other, looking at His Royal Highness the Prince riding towards them, they couldn't help but be much quieter, their eyes turned in Helian Chen's direction, and then they saw Helian Chen stop in one place. Helian Chen looked at Ji Ninglang and the others and frowned. Ji Ninglang and Wang Zikang looked at each other, and they both treated themselves as invisible people. Helian Chen narrowed her gloomy eyes, turned her back to the sun, and her cold gaze lingered on the red-clothed "woman" snuggled in her husband's arms in front of her, the person had black hair, like a woman's dress, but her ears were not pierced, so strange. He looked at the man beside "her" again, a dark blue robe, ink hair hanging down, no beauty mole at the center of his eyebrows, a little cold temperament, patting his wife's back to soothe.

"You, turn around." Helian Chen looked at Li Qingyun with a smile. Li Qingyun's face was slightly cold. Dugu Li said in a cold voice: Helian Chen led the horse rope, and there was a hidden intuition in his heart that this person was Li Qingyun, how could he mistakenly recognize that the blue-clothed man in front of him was clearly Dugu Li pretending to be, if it was a person from the Star Tower, it would not be strange that Dugu Li would have a little transfiguration.

He did not force Li Qingyun, but dismounted, slowly took a step forward in front of everyone, beckoned, and all the officers and soldiers surrounded Ji Ninglang Prince Kang Li Qingyun and others.

The people are moving away. Lang's expression was slightly cold, and he looked at Helian Chen in confusion. Wang Zikang was also very strange, the prince of Jin Kingdom stopped here to do something, only to see Helian Chen jokingly laughed: "Lonely good Jiu'er, is it?" The voice fell. A pair of astonished eyes looked at Li Qingyun. Ji Ninglang's incredible gaze fell on Li Qingyun, and his brain instantly went blank. Prince Kang smiled and said: "Duan Jiu'er is a man, Your Royal Highness, will you be mistaken" Helian Chen narrowed his eyes and said: "How can Gu confess him wrong? Before Li finished speaking, Li Qingyun turned around and looked at Helian Chen coldly, anger burned in his phoenix eyes, his red lips did not have any curvature, his voice was also extremely cold, without any disguise, his voice was magnetic and good: "Helian Chen, if you dare to say a word, you will wait to burn with my jade!" Helian Chen looked at Li Qingyun's face almost greedily, listening to his warning, he couldn't help but laugh dumbly, and said jokingly: "What about the laughing stock of the state."

The people stared at Li Qingyun with pairs of eyes. This is the Holy Son of the Beauty Race, Duan Jiu'er Ji Ninglang, who His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has to find throughout the country, his eyes were surprised, and he did not expect that the person he fell in love with at first sight was actually a man. A little surprised, but also quickly relieved, if "Miss Yun" is really Duan Jiu'er, then it is not surprising why he feels strange when he sees him. I saw Helian Chen dressed in a black gilt dress, standing long and jade, seemingly smiling or not smiling, his eyes were evil, slowly opened his hands, and coaxed: Jiu'er, be obedient, come back to Lonely, Lonely will not deal with you, you see that the whole army of the Jin country has been dispatched to find you, such a big battle, don't you obediently go to the arms of Lonely."

"Don't go." Ji Ninglang subconsciously whispered. Helian Chen's means of insulting and taming people are not secret in Kyushu, and how many pets he has trained who only know to submit to men are simply too numerous to mention. If Jiu'er walked to Helian Chen's side, it would be tantamount to falling into the clutches of the devil. His eyes were cold, and he was ready to fight to the death with the Jin army here. Wang Zikang pulled Ji Ninglang's sleeve and whispered, "Chief!" We still have to do great things unfinished, don't expose ourselves for the sake of a beauty. Ji Ninglang's face hesitated, and finally let go of his desire to save him. He had a great family and a great cause, and there were countless brothers waiting for him to bring several armies from the Jin country back to the Yongguo. He can't be here because the people he met in Pingshui draw their swords to help others. Even if he loves the man in his heart.

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