Chapter 95: "Rather for Jade Crush"

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Even the internal strength of the martial arts of the immortals will be exhausted, and even the most unattainable immortals will fall to the altar.

Dugu's face was covered in blood, but his eyes were without waves, he raised his long sword to block the sudden sword attack, his ink hair was scattered by the fierce wind, he held Li Qingyun's waist, and was attacked by countless rounds of wheel battles of Jinguo officers and soldiers around him.

This war has gone on for far too long.

Li Qingyun's phoenix eyes flashed a trace of surprise, since Dugu Li showed his strength in front of his eyes, he had never been invincible, and he had never seen such heavy casualties. A long sword was about to pierce Dugu Li's back, Li Qingyun held this knife with his bare hands, the power in his body was running rapidly, because of the bloody lizard, he could have half of Dugu Li's internal strength, but that was enough. Against ants, this strength is enough. Blood slowly flowed down his hand.

Li Qingyun's face did not change, he snatched the sword in the man's hand, and then stabbed the long sword backhand at the person who stabbed the dark arrow behind Dugu Li.

Dugu Li raised his eyes, looking at the scene in front of him with a cold and cold look, his mind was so keen, he had already detected that the person with the stab behind his back had been solved by Li Qingyun. The two exchanged a look, and everything was silent.

Black clouds crush the city, flying sand and stones. Hundreds of Jin officers and soldiers armed with long swords frantically attacked towards Dugu Li. Stepped on the snow and flew lightly. The figures of Dugu Li and Li Qingyun disappeared in place in the next second, accompanied by a wail and the officers and soldiers falling to the ground one by one. When they reappeared, Dugu Li and Li Qingyun killed countless people again. The first time the two fought side by side, there was no need to say much about the tacit understanding, and one action and one look could know what the other party was going to do next, so that they could cooperate with full marks. Helian Chen sat on horseback, his face became more and more gloomy, and his pupils became more and more gloomy. The stronger Dugu Li behaved, the more he wanted to kill Dugu Li, and if he kept such a high-risk person in the world, it would pose an advanced threat to the Jin Kingdom and his status. In addition, Dugu Li is very likely to be a person from the Star Tower. Helian Chen beckoned. The archers secretly entrenched in Xudu also aimed their arrows at Dugu Li and Li Qingyun one by one. Helian Chen sighed a little pity, forced himself to cool down, and said: "Kill them all, and don't leave a living mouth." Whether it is Dugu Li or Li Qingyun, it is dangerous for either of them to stay. Helian Chen originally wanted to tame Li Qingyun, but unfortunately he didn't have this opportunity. Even if he pities "Duan Jiu'er" as the holy son of the beauty race, he must not let Li Qingyun, the Yongguo Emperor who threatens him. After receiving the order, the bows and arrows everywhere were like raindrops with a strong wind sprinting and a single person used light power to dodge non-stop, his full attention was on Li Qingyun, plus he had already been seriously injured, it was a few arrows in the back, he was pale and grunted and endured.

"Keep up!"

"They're here!" Ji Ninglang and Wang Zikang came with their brothers.

Dugu Li was hiding from the rain of arrows, and a lot of blood had been shed behind his back, invading his dark blue robe.

In fact, the two of them were already covered in blood, and they couldn't tell whose blood it was. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a "bloody battle".

"Ah Yun, follow Ji Ninglang and them, don't expose your identity, protect yourself." Dugu Li's voice is very light.

"What about you" Li Qingyunfeng's eyes were stained with blood.

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