Chapter 78: Alone and Alone in the Night to Visit the Palace

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"The Prince of Jin was rumored to be fierce, and he controlled his father and emperor, and took the great Jin kingdom into his hands. Even if they did not ascend the throne, they were like the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, the comprehensive strength of the Jin State was strong, the military strength was strong, if they attacked the Yong State at this time, I am afraid that we did not have too much energy to resist foreign enemies. Xiao Ziyi frowned, and his heart was heavy.

"Helian Chen," Li Qingyun looked at Wei Mi, "His purpose in coming to Yongguo is unknown, and indeed he should be defended, General Xiao, ordering people to always pay attention to Helian Chen's whereabouts in Yongguo, and if there is anything wrong, immediately inform me." "

Yes!" Xiao Ziyi bowed his hand.

Li Qingyun waved his hand and let him go down.

Xiao Ziyi took a deep look at Li Qingyun and got up to leave. Leaving the outside of the temple, he looked back several times.

Li Qingyun looked at the suddenly empty hall, listening to the sound of bells coming from his ankles, Dan Feng's eyes fell slightly, he held out his hand, and obviously felt that there was a seemingly invisible internal force in his body, he did not understand where this internal force came from, but he could vaguely guess it,

perhaps it was related to the blood that the solitary person fed him to eat.

Blood is a lover's.

After each entanglement warmed up, Li Qingyun could always feel something more in his body.

And after the finger is scratched, not only is there no wound, but there is no pain at all.

The doctor took the pulse for him, pinched his beard and said, "Your Majesty no longer has any toxins, and judging from the pulse, it is very healthy."

"There is even a relatively gentle internal force that protects the heart pulse." The doctor didn't understand trickery, but just raised an eyebrow and said, "Your Majesty must have encountered some strange encounters and eaten something that resolves hundreds of poisons." At that moment, Li Qingyun understood that the Blood Worm had other uses. Regarding the matter of witchcraft, it is still necessary to consult the brothers Qingyang and Yaoling.

Late at night.

Li Qingyun lay down to sleep, his dark satin ink hair lining his skin like snow, and his red body was as bright as the sun.

The red beads in the center of the golden bell at the ankle are glowing.

Far away in the border between Yongguo and Zhouguo, in a pavilion water pavilion, the sky is bright, willow trees are shaded, reflected in the water pavilion, the tip of the willow tree beats the water, dragonflies dot the water, and the water splashes like white beads. A pavilion stands quietly in the middle of the water. The smell of wine kept wafting from that pavilion.

Solitude had already poured out one sip after another of the wine.

He was completely drunk, and there was not a trace of brilliance in his eyes, but he just kept drinking as if this would numb Li Qingyun and the fact that he had completely broken off, and he could also look for the feeling of being with Li Qingyun over and over again in his dreams.

He lay on the bed, thinking about Li Qingyun over and over again in his mind.

Closing his eyes was him. He.

Tea drinking is him.

Playing the piano is him.

Playing chess is him.

Dreaming is him.

No matter what he did, all that came to mind was Li Qingyun's voice and smile, every move was deeply carved into his soul, and the thought of eroding bones made him want to die.

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