EXTRA 3: The high cold separation of parallel time(3)

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I played with the two highnesses for about half an hour.

Li Qingyun came back.

The grandmother saluted him: "The slave meets His Majesty."

Ning Ning immediately jumped off Dugu Li's body, flashing starry eyes, even more excited than seeing Dugu Li, stretching out his hands to hug.

Li Qingyun immediately hugged Ning Ning.

Ning Ning held the beautiful red shell in his hand, and his round eyes were expectant and happy, "This is for my father."

Li Qingyun held his daughter and sat down, praised the shell, kissed his daughter's forehead, and told his daughter about today's interesting events with a smile. Li Qianqiu also walked next to Li Qingyun, saluted, and then was held on his leg by Li Qingyun's other hand. Dugu left this side, suddenly cold and empty.

He looked at Li Qingyun's appearance of looking down and coaxing his son and daughter. Obviously, his appearance has not changed, but he has added a bit of exquisite fragrance and fatherly love, such Li Qingyun reminds Duguli of the fragrant picture last night.

He turned his eyes stiffly, he was not adapted to such a Li Qingyun, nor to such a huge change many years later.

Li Qingyun coaxed his son and daughter with a smile and asked his grandmother to take them away.

In the huge dormitory, only Dugu Li and Li Qingyun were left.

Li Qingyun's phoenix eyes slowly lifted, looking at Duguli, he pouted: "I went to find Xiao Ziyi yesterday because of military and political affairs, I kept my distance from him, you also ate the vinegar, and last night also let you bully over, Ah Li, for so many years, you have never been willing to dry me for so long." He said this a lot but saw that Duguli still did not respond.

Li Qingyun slowly got up, his tone sullen:

He turned around and was about to leave.

Dugu Li reached out and grabbed Li Qingyun's arm.

Li Qingyun's eyes were puzzled, and he looked at Dugu Li.

Dugu's eyes were a little stunned, this body was not controlled by him, perhaps, it was another him who was taking control.

"Yunyun, please, don't go."

The voice that said this was somewhat low and hoarse. As soon as the words are finished. Dugu Li felt that he had regained control of his body.

The words he uttered were gentle and pleading, and a little pitiful. I didn't expect this tone to come out of myself, and Dugu was strangely silent.

Li Qingyun is very coaxing now, and when he saw that Dugu was sincere, he forgave him. He snorted lightly, "Count you as interesting, next time, you are not allowed to cold war with me for more than half an hour." 

"Dugu Li was a little stiff and dry: Li Qingyun looked at him strangely, squatted down, lay on Dugu Li's lap, and said worriedly:

"Ah Li, you have been absent-minded from last night to today, what happened to you, didn't we say okay, can't we hide this, and trust each other forever."

Dugu Li looked down at Li Qingyun's full trust and full of love, which could make people feel his sincerity and cherishing.

"I'm okay." Dugu's tone was as gentle as possible, trying to perfunctory the past, he didn't understand how he got along with Li Qingyun now, he could only take one step at a time.

"And said it's okay, Dugu centrifuged the next jump.

Li Qingyun continued to red eyes and said: "You promised me that you will never design me again, you will never poison me again, you will never hurt me again, you say you will always love me, you say you will always be loyal and surrender to me, you say you will like what I like, hate what I dislike, you encountered danger in order to protect me in the pursuit and killing of the Jin Kingdom, you almost died Miao Jiang for me to block the poisoned arrow, under the witness of your brother Dugu Ci and the predecessor of the Demon King, worshiped heaven and earth and became a husband and wife." Back in Yongguo, we held another big wedding under the worship of the courtiers,

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