Chapter 106: I Like Beauty

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Before Li Qingyun could speak, Li Qinglan glared at him with wide eyes, "Young Master Lu, how can you talk so nonsense!" Ji Ninglang's face was slightly frightened, and he was suddenly stared at by the little girl with unkind eyes, and he reacted after a moment, and said with a dumb smile: "Girl Duan, this place is not within the territory of the Yongguo Kingdom, I don't have to be afraid of being heard by the Yongguo Emperor when I say anything, let alone be arrested as a chaotic party, you don't have to worry about me."

"Ah" Li Qinglan stared at Ji Ninglang dumbfounded, did she mean this, "I mean, you are not allowed to curse him like this outside."

Ji Ninglang's smile tightened: "Miss Duan supports the current monarch of the Yong Kingdom" "

That's natural." Li Qinglan said of course.

If Miss Duan could know what kind of person the Yongguo Monarch was, Ji Ninglang smiled and shook his head.

"It's as if Young Master Lu knows it very well." Li Qinglan flattened his mouth.

Li Qingyun patted Li Qinglan's head and said with a smile: "Lan'er, Li Qinglan shut up knowingly."

Li Qingyun looked at Ji Ninglang, and his phoenix eyes were slightly picked: "I don't know why Young Master Lu is so opposed to the current monarch of the Yong Kingdom" paused, and said: He did not hesitate to kill his own brother in order to seize power and throne, and after reigning, he washed the court in blood, bringing several battles, making the lives of Kyushu charcoal, and scattering the wives of the people. The people of the world have complaints against him, and all kinds of evils are the reasons why I hate him.

Li Qingyun smiled with her eyes: "You are right." But maybe you meet him and have a good chat with him. Ji Ninglang's expression was serious: "Young Master Jiu'er don't talk nonsense, he won't have a pleasant chat with the tyrant of the Yongguo in the future."

Li Qingyun glanced at him steadily, and then nodded: "Maybe."

"Young Master Jiu'er, don't you think what I said is right" Ji Ninglang secretly observed his face.

Li Qingyun turned his head and found that Ji Ninglang was looking at him with inexplicably careful eyes, as if trying to try him to agree with his point of view, and couldn't help but feel a little funny, so he raised his lips and chuckled, "Young Master Lu, you can insist on your point of view." However, I have my opinion. The great trend of the world will be divided and divided for a long time, how do you know that what he did was really just for his own selfish desires.

"When there is only one dynasty, one country, one monarch, and a unified political plan in this world, the people can live and work in peace and contentment, and the mountains and rivers will be unharmed. If Li Qingyun wants to re-establish a new prosperous mountain and river and reshape the grandeur of the Yuan Dynasty thousands of years ago, why not?"

"Even if there is no Yongguo, there will be other countries to invade and go to war, and the war between the Zhou Kingdom, the Jin Kingdom and the major countries of Kyushu will never end, and war will always be inevitable. Why can't Li Qingyun unify Kyushu and establish a new peaceful unified dynasty" Listening to his remarks, his eyes became more and more shocked, and he finally stared at him with a gaze that could be called horror, "You are not Li Qingyun, how do you know if what he thinks in his heart is selfish desire" 

"I guess." Li Qingyun said lightly. Ji Ninglang laughed dumbly: a Mingjun. He killed his brother and usurped the throne, took people's lives, and committed monstrous crimes, and no one in the world would believe him.

"Young Master Lu." Li Qingyun's footsteps paused, and Ji Ninglang followed the words: "Okay."

Li Qingyun was speechless.

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