Chapter 1:

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Emma's POV

“Zayn Malik! You put me down right now!” I yelled at him while banging my hands on his back. He didn’t even flinch. Damn being short and weak :/ 

“No thank you!” Zayn said. Even though I couldn’t see him I could picture the smirk on his face.  After much struggling he finally threw me down on my couch.

“See that wasn’t hard now was it?” I smiled. Zayn just laughed and started to tickle me.

“Stop! Oh my god! Zayn! Please stop!” I begged in between laughing.

“Nope.” Zayn said popping the ‘p’.


            My name is Emma Smith and I’m 19 years old, and this friendship with Zayn started 12 years ago. When my family decided to rent a vacation home on the beach in Miami, Florida. The ‘Maliks’ were our next-door neighbor. After that summer our families decided to come back to the same houses every summer, and we did. Ever since we were 7 years old Zayn and I have been best friends. We spent ALL summer together, and talked on the phone/computer the rest of the year. About 8 years ago we started to spend Christmas together. One Christmas my family goes to Bradford and the next Christmas they would come to New York. Seeing Zayn twice a year in person was definitely not enough…….

            After One Direction was voted off of the X-Factor, and were signed to Syco; Zayn and the guys moved to London. They all had their own flats except Louis and Harry shared a flat. Zayn took that opportunity of having his own place to call me up and invite me to move in with him. Luckily I was doing High School online, so moving to across the pond wasn’t a big deal. Unfortunately it took a lot to convince my parents to let me move all the way to London at 16 1/2 years old. Oh my dad also had a problem with me living with a boy, my mom didn’t mind since it was Zayn. She trusted Zayn so that wasn’t an issue for her. Thankfully after 3 months of begging they finally let me move in with Zayn. I lived with Zayn in his flat until I turned 18. At that point Zayn bought a mansion…. I was going to just move out into my own place, but Zayn begged me to move into his guesthouse. He said that’s why he bought the house, so I could move into the guest house. He said he wanted me to be close, so he could keep me safe. So right now we are techniqaly next door neighbors, since I live in his backyard. I was glad we weren’t living together anymore. He was a pain in the ass to live with sometimes. Plus I like having my own space. Zayn’s best friend Anthony moved in with him. I currently have my best friend Jenni temporarily living with me. She had a falling out with her roommate, so she needed a place to live. I don’t mind though she is my best friend. (Besides Zayn of course) (EMMA’S place on sidebar)

            After I graduated High School Zayn got me a job helping out their hair/make- up stylist Lou Teasdale, and their stylist Caroline. I’m also in charge of making sure the boys stay out of trouble when we are at the hotel, and when Paul is sleeping. Which is not always the easiest thing to do. Since Zayn and I are best friends they made us share a hotel room when we traveled. I didn’t really mind; Zayn has always been my security blanket. I mean all of the boys make me feel safe, but it’s just different with Zayn. I was really good friends with the guys, Eleanor, and Danielle. I might just be 19 years old, but if life froze and stayed how it is right now. I will be okay with that.


            Zayn had finally stopped tickling me. He was now just staring into my brown eyes. He used to stare into my eyes and try to find my pupils because my eyes were so dark they were hard to see. So he would make it into a game to try and find them. Zayn pushed a piece of hair out of my face and behind my ear. Zayn started to lean in, and the butterflies erupted in my stomach. Zayn pressed his lips to mine and started to kiss me with lust/passion.

            Oh yeah I forgot to mention one small detail about mine and Zayn’s relationship. For the last year Zayn and I have been ‘Friends With Benefits’ ;) We decided to have this no strings attached relationship since we were busy, single, and lonely. You are probably asking wasn’t it awkward doing it with your best friend. Well to answer that question NO it wasn’t. Before Zayn left to audition for the X-Factor we decided to be each other’s firsts. (It in Miami during summer vacation) Both our families were out for the night so we figured we both wanted to get it over with and with someone we trust. The only people who knew about that side of our relationship were Anthony and Jenni. That’s only because they caught us in a risky position.


I pushed Zayn lightly on the chest to stop him kissing me.

“I need to go.” I said slightly out of breath.

“Ugh! I still don’t get why you are going home to New York. You were just there 2 weeks ago.” Zayn said. ‘Because I think I am falling in love with you and need to get away from you’ well that is what I wanted to say.

“Just miss my family, and want to spend time with them.” I smiled.

“I understand. I’m just going to miss my best friend.” Zayn smiled getting up off of me, so I can get ready.  Ugh! I hate that word ‘Best friend’ at lest when he says it.

“Well you got to perform on the X-Factor tomorrow (Sunday) you will be to busy to miss me.” I said while I was fixing my hair in the mirror. Didn’t want to go to the airport with ‘sex hair’ we didn’t even have sex and I looked like we did.

“Ugh Zayn! What did you do to my hair?” I groaned.

“Sorry!” Zayn smirked. He does it on purpose, because he knows it bugs me when he messes up my hair when we are snogging. Especially when I have to go in public.

“Isn’t the winner of last season of X-factor going to be performing tomorrow as well?” I ask. Trying to make conversation. Since this is the last one we will have for a week.

“Yeah! The girl group Little Mix. They are very talented. They were put together like the lads and I.” Zayn smiled.

“Make sure if you meet them to get Saffa a autograph you know she is a big fan of theirs.” I giggle.

“Okay I can do that. I forgot she likes them.” Zayn chuckled. I just rolled my eyes. He can be so forgetful sometimes.

“Alright, well lets get you to the airport shall we?” Zayn said.


“Flight 128 is now boarding.” Someone said over the speaker.

“That’s me.” I smiled.

“I’m going to miss you Emma.” Zayn said while hugging me.

“I’ll miss you too Zaynie.” I giggled. I’m the only one who can call Zayn that. He gets mad at anyone who does call him that. 

“Okay well I will see you in a week. Have fun and please have a safe flight. Call or text me when you land so I know my best friend is safe and sound.” Zayn said. Ugh that damn word.

“Okay! Bye Zaynie.” I smiled.


I just found my seat on the plane and just buckled my seatbelt. All I could think about was Zayn. God I need to get as far away from Zayn as I can. I need to figure out my feelings for him and fast……………


So there it is Chapter 1 of my new Fan Fiction.

It’s a little different then my Harry story, but I hope you all will enjoy it :D

What do you all think? Leave a COMMENT and let me know…..

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I'll Always Come Back For You! (Zayn Malik Story) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now