Chapter 14:

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A/N: Here is the second chapter i'm posting :D

Harry’s POV

“Harry! Harry! Harry wake up!” I heard someone shout in my ear. ‘Wake up? Why do I have to wake up?’ I asked myself. Then I remembered…… I remembered turning to Emma and seeing a terrified look on her face then everything went black. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Louis looking over me with blood rolling down his forehead.

“What the hell happened?’ I asked him.

“We were in a car accident. Some drunk driver ran into us.” He said. I tried to sit up, but I felt a pain shoot threw my arm. I looked at my left wrist and saw it was broken.

“I pretty sure I broke my wrist.” I said.

“I can see that, but can you get up?” Louis asked. I nodded and stood up. I saw Danielle and Liam sitting together tending to their cuts. Eleanor was sitting with Niall. Zayn was tending to a giant cut on Perrie’s leg.

“Wait where is Emma?” I asked Louis. She was the only one I haven’t seen. Louis looked at me with panicked eyes.

“I need help getting her out of the Limo. Liam has a dislocated shoulder, Niall knee is dislocated, and Zayn is to busy with Perrie to help me.” Louis said.

“Okay let’s go.” I said starting to walk to the limo, which looked liked it flipped and landed on it’s left side. When we go to the Limo I look threw the sunroof, which was broken and saw Emma.

“Oh my god. We need to hurry.” Louis said. I didn’t think i just climbed into the limo to get a better look at her. Once I saw her I panicked. She was unconscious and had blood running down her face. As I scanned over her body I saw a giant piece of glass stuck in her stomach. Oh Shit the baby! I reached and put my fingers on her neck to see if I could feel a pulse. I let out a breath of relief when I felt a pulse. It wasn’t strong, but it was there.

“Louis we need to get her out now. She is covered in blood, and that piece of glass in her stomach doesn’t look good.” I yelled.

“Okay.” He said as he was now standing next to me. We needed to get her out of her seat belt then out of the Limo. Once she was out of that we carefully picked her up and slowly started to take her out of the car.

“Oh My God!” Eleanor screamed when she saw Emma. She ran over to Louis and I and just stared at Emma. I looked up at Louis and nodded. We set Emma down carefully and waited for the ambulance to come. We could hear the sirens now, which made us all take a deep breath in relief.  As the ambulance pulled up I heard a gasp from behind me. I turned around and saw Zayn looking at his best friend for the first time. He had tears streaming down his face and looked real pale. He slowly started walking over to Emma then kneeled down next to her.

“Is she?” He asked nervously.

“No she has a low pulse, but she still alive.” I said simply. I heard him take a deep breath before he nodded.

“Okay who needs immediate attention?” The paramedic asked.

“Emma does.” I said pointing at her lifeless looking body.

“And Perrie my girlfriend.” Zayn said getting up from next to Emma and guiding one of the paramedics to Perrie.


Zayn’s POV

It’s been about 2 hours since the accident. We all have been checked out at the hospital to get stitches or whatever we needed. Emma was currently in emergency surgery. I don’t know how or why, but she got the worst of the injuries. The police think it was because of where she was sitting. I didn’t have many injuries just a few cuts, bruises, and a few broken fingers. Harry, Louis, Danielle, Eleanor, and I are the only ones that don’t need to be admitted into a room. Just got cleaned up. Harry got a cast on his wrist and Louis got stitches on his head. Perrie had to get 10 stitches in her leg, but overall is okay.

“How are you holding up?” Louis asked me. I was outside the hospital smoking, and he came with me. I just shrugged my shoulders and continued to smoke.

“How do you feel about Emma losing the baby?” He asked me. The doctor informed us that Emma lost the baby before they even took her into surgery. Between the impact of the accident and the glass in her stomach, so I wasn’t exactly surprised that she lost the baby. I was still hurt over it though.

“I don’t really know.” I said honestly.

“Probably hasn’t sunk in yet.” Louis said patting my back.

“I just hope she is going to be okay. She might not like me right now, but I still love her.” I spoke.

“What do you mean you love her Zayn?” Louis asked me confused.

“I love Emma like a sister Louis.” I said.

“Oh what do you mean sister? You guys had sex many times.” Louis laughed. The lads always wanted Emma and I to date. I just never felt that way towards her.

“You know what I mean Louis. We were both lonely and needed a good fuck every once in a while.” I said honestly.

“Okay then. Why don’t you put that thing out and let’s go back into the hospital to see if Emma is out of surgery yet ya?” Louis asked. I stomped out my cigarette and nodded.

“Let’s go. I need to check on Perrie as well. Her mum is with her, but I still want to check up on her.” I smiled.

“Sounds good mate let’s go.” Louis said putting his hand on my shoulder.

Harry’s POV

Emma just got out of surgery and is now in a private room sleeping off the anesthesia. I was sitting in a chair by the side of her bed holding her hand. I felt bad for her that she lost the baby she was carrying. I knew she was scared because she was only 19, but I also knew she was getting used to the idea.

“Has she woken up yet?” Eleanor asked as she walked into Emma’s room.

“Nope. They said she will hopefully wake up within the hour, but if she doesn’t she could be in a temporary coma since she hit her head pretty bad on the window.” I said. Emma was my best friend/sister to me I didn’t want to lose her.

“Do you mind if I sit with you for a while?” She asked.

“Of course not. Sit down.” I said pointing to the other empty chair in the room.


It’s been 45 minutes since Emma got out of surgery, and she still wasn’t awake. The doctor’s were now in her room checking on her. They needed to find out if she was in a coma or just hasn’t woken up yet.

“Any news?” Zayn asked as he walked out of Perrie’s room.

“Nope not yet.” I shrugged. Before anyone could say anything else the door to Emma’s room.

“I’m afraid that Emma seems to be in a coma……..


Emma is in a coma ):

When will she wake up?

Zayn said he loved her, but only as a sister…… do you think he is lying?

Comment and let me know what you think……..

Don’t forget to VOTE as well :D


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