Chapter 33:

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Emma’s POV

Zayn and I just finished our picnic date and were now on our way back home. The whole date was amazing. I mean I can’t remember the last time I have laughed and smiled as much as I did today. Zayn was back to the Zayn I grew up and fell in love with. He was so goofy and wanted nothing more then to make me smile. It was also nice that we didn’t talk about work and/or the hate I have been getting lately. I mean I know when he brings up the hate he just wants to make sure I’m okay, but it makes me feel like crap. I hate feeling like everyone pity’s me. I mean do people really think that helps?

“Are you okay? You look a little pale and you haven’t eaten much our whole date.” Zayn said looking over at me for a second before looking back at the road.

“I’m fine. I’m just not really hungry today.” I shrugged.

“Well you haven’t been hungry a lot lately. Is there something going on that I need to know about?” Zayn asked concerned.

“No I’m fine.” I lied. The truth was I haven’t been eating a lot lately. I’m so stressed about the hate and death threats that I’m not really hungry. You see some people eat a lot when they are stressed, but I do the opposite I barely eat. No I don’t have an eating disorder I’ve talked to my doctor about it once. She said she thinks when I’m stressed my body refuses food. Weird right? I usually force myself to eat something throughout the day though, so my body doesn’t go into starvation mode, because that isn’t good either.

“You would tell me if something is wrong right?” Zayn asked. ‘No’ is what I wanted to say.

“Of course.” I lied. I didn’t want him to worry about me and bother me about eating all day so lying was my best option.

“I’m glad because I want to help you when needed, but I can’t do that if you don’t tell me.” He shrugged.

“I know thanks.” I smiled and leaned my head on the headrest.

“Go to sleep I will wake you up when we get home.” Zayn said.

“Ok.” I mumbled. I relaxed my body and closed my eyes just listening to the radio. As I was getting sleepy I heard Zayn start to sing ‘Just The Way You Are’ by Bruno Mars quietly. That was all it took for me to pass out.

Someone touching my legs waked me up. I peeked open my eyes a bit and saw Zayn.

“Sorry babe I was trying to unbuckle your seatbelt and take you to bed without waking you up, but that didn’t really work out to well.” He chuckled lightly. I nodded my head a little. He picked me up bridal style and closed the car door.

“Just go back to sleep okay babe.” Zayn said when he noticed I’m still half asleep. I didn’t hesitate before closing my eyes and falling back to sleep in his arms. I don’t think it was long, but before I knew it Zayn was laying me on my bed and wrapping me in my blankets.

“Goodnight babe. I had a lot of fun today.” Zayn said kissing my lips gently then kissing my forehead.

“Please stay.” I whispered as he started leaving my room.

“Okay.” He smiled at me. He then started to take off his shirt and jeans. Normally I was stare at his amazing body, but my eyes burned from exhaustion so I just closed my eyes. I felt the other side of my bed dip down a bit before I felt Zayn pull me into his chest. He is now spooning me from behind.

“Goodnight babe. I love you.” He said before kissing my head.

“Night.” I whispered as I fell asleep in his arms.


Zayn’s POV

I woke up the next morning to Emma sleeping in my arms. I can’t remember the last time I woke up with a smile on my face. Waking up with Emma in my arms was definitely a reason to smile this early in the morning. Yesterday was amazing. It was such a simple date, but it was perfect in every way. When I was dating Perrie she always wanted to either go out to a fancy dinner or just stay at one of our houses and watch movies. Not that I mind doing that I just don’t want to do it ALL the time. Speaking of Perrie she texted me again the other day asking me if it would be okay for her to tweet something in behalf of Emma. She said she felt bad that Emma was getting so much hate. I was still surprised that Perrie was so supportive about Emma and I. I mean we basically in some ways broke up so I could be with Emma.

“What time is it?” Emma asked still half asleep.

“8 am.” I groaned.

“Well do we have to get up right now or can we stay in bed?” She mumbled.

“Stay in bed for sure.” I said wrapping my arms around her and pulling her even closer to me.

“Good because I’m could use a few more hours on sleep.” She giggled.

“Same here love.” I smiled before closing my eyes.



So that was kind of a boring and short chapter I know…..BUT it was cute wasn’t it? I thought it was. Next chapter will be a lot more interesting and longer. The drama starts up again next chapter :D


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