Chapter 2:

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Emma’s POV

I arrived in New York City yesterday. Since today was Saturday my older sister Chole decided to take me to go shopping. I’m not a shopaholic, but I do enjoy shopping every once in a while. My mom and dad were at some charity event.

“So how is London?” Chole asked.

“It’s good. Kinda cold though, but it should be warming up soon though.” I smiled.

“Well that’s good. It’s been getting more and more humid here.” Chole groaned. She asked me the normal questions. ‘How is work?’ Which I told her was fine, and that work was work. I was waiting for the pestering to begin.

“So how is Mr. Zayn Malik doing?” She winked. She always wanted Zayn and I to date, fall in love, get married, and have kids. She doesn’t know about Zayn and my ‘Friends With Benefits’ relationship or how I actually felt about him.

“You know I don’t look at him like that, but he is fine I guess.” I shrugged.

“I still think you would be perfect together.” Chole said nudging my shoulder.

“Whatever Chole.” I said as we walked into Macy’s.

“ Let the shopping commence.” Chole smiled….

Zayn’s POV

The lads and I are on our way to rehearsal for the X- Factor.

“It feels weird not having Emma here.” Niall said. We all nodded in agreement. It was true; Emma has always been with us since she moved in with me.

“It’s so freaking quiet.” Liam said.

“Wait! Zayn when is Emma coming back?” Louis asked.

“Next Sunday night. I have to pick her up from Heathrow.” I said.


“You boys will be rehearsing in 30 minutes. Little Mix is rehearsing right now if you want to go watch.” Paul said. We all just nodded and made our way over to some chairs, so we could watch. As I sat down my phone vibrated in my pocket. NEW MESSAGE….

Saffa: Don’t forget to try and get me a Little Mix autograph (: Xxx

I just smiled and texted her back saying I would try. Little Mix was singing their single ‘Wings’. They are very talented, and they definitely deserved to win the X- Factor. Once they were done rehearsing the lads and I got out mics and earpieces ready and we rehearsed ‘Live While We’re Young’.


After we were done rehearsing we went back stage and met Little Mix. I was able to get Saffa her autograph. All the girls were super sweet and pretty, but Perrie she was gorgeous. The way her eye lit up when she smiled, and she has such an amazing sense of humor. I was even able to get her number. I have a good feeling that Perrie and I will get on well ;)

Emma’s POV

My family and I are at some fancy restaurant for dinner. I was sitting next to Jacob Chloe’s fiancé. They are getting married in November (it’s April) they were perfect for each other. Simple as that.

“Emma is that your phone vibrating?” Jacob asked. Sure enough my phone was.

“Uh yeah.” I giggled. I grabbed my phone and saw I had a new text message.

Saffa<3: OMG! Zayn just texted me saying he actually got me a Little Mix autograph. :D Xxx

I wasn’t with her, but I knew she was jumping up and down fangirling right now.

Emma: Ahhh!!!! I’m so happy for you. He has his good brother moments doesn’t he ;) Send me a picture when you get it. (: Xxx

Zayn was really close with his sibling since he doesn’t get to see them often.

“So Emma are you still single?” My nosey Grandmother asked. Gosh! Why does it even matter?

“Yes! I’m still single.” I said.

“Well Emma how do you expect to find a husband if you are single. Are you even going on dates?” she asked me. What was a suppose to say ‘Well grandma I am having casual sex with Zayn Malik.’ Yeah don’t think that would go over well.

“Yeah. Didn’t think so. Katie if your daughter doesn’t start putting herself out there she is going to be single the rest of her life.” My grandma said to my mom. Everyone went silent after her comment.

“I’m 19 years old. I’m too young to worry about getting married. So you’re right I’m NOT looking. I’m enjoying life right now. I have an amazing job and I have my own place in LONDON. I don’t need a man in my life.” I snapped and got up and went to the bathroom. Once I got to the bathroom I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I took my phone out to see if Saffa texted me back, but instead I saw I had 5 new text messages.

Harry ‘Cheeky’ Styles: X-factor went great! Miss you already Xxx

Tommo: So quiet without you here, and it’s only been what 2 days. LOL! See you soon love. Eleanor says hi btw Xxx (:

Payno: I need help controlling these guys. LOL. Just kidding they are actually behaving. You must be the reason why they get into trouble ;P See you next week. :D

Nialler: Just wanted to let you know my knee help up for the performance. Thank you for telling me what exercises to do. Love ya sista Xxx

Zaynie: I got the autograph for Saffa. She freaked out. Miss you already. Got so much to tell you already. Xxx Love ya (:

Since I had been in the bathroom for a while I decided to ignore the texts and walk back to the table. I sat down in my chair when I got to the table. Everyone looked at me with the ‘Are- you-okay’ look. I just nodded my head and avoided eye contact with my grandma. I don’t know why, but she never seemed to like me too much. After a few minutes we finally left to go home.


Well isn’t her Grandma a bitch?

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Lots of love


I'll Always Come Back For You! (Zayn Malik Story) {COMPLETED}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin