Exploring A Haunted House With Metallica

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James Hetfield

1. Is against the idea at first, but relents and joins you

2. Has a duffel bag full of shit. We're talking flashlights, matches, snacks, probably has a pair of brass knuckles because he'd totally fight a ghost for you

3. Yells "I swear to fucking fuck if anyone fucks with me I will fuck you up!" He likes to be a big tough guy

4. Is low key scared but refuses to admit it

5. Will enter every room first just to make sure that its safe for you

6. Knocks down any spiderwebs from doorways for you. He's such a gentleman

7. Throws a flash light at any moving shadow. Takes. No. Chances. PISS OFF GHOST!

8. He's a screamer. Don't laugh at him. He startles easily but will play it off by laughing to cover up that he got spooked.

9. DON'T TOUCH THE DUSTY BOOKS! He won't let you touch anything. Horror movie logic. Bad spirits live in the books. No touchy.

10.  Once he's comfortable he'd want to explore more abandoned houses

Kirk Hammett

1. Will straight up ask you to marry him because he loves spooky shit. You're forever his favorite human

2. Packs sleeping bags, snacks flashlights, candles, you name it. The man is ready for this.

3. He'd do research on the place and basically be your tour guide. He's obsessed with horror. Bless his little horror nerd heart

4. Would crack jokes like "if you're an evil spirit trying to kill me clap your hands".

5. Throws a candle stick at the first shadow figure he sees and then runs. Forgets you're standing there and runs back to grab you then makes another break for it.

6. Wants to explore a haunted house for every Halloween with you

7. Isn't scared at all. Boasts about how brave he is. Gets the shit scared out of him anyway

8. Would find some type of creepy souvenir to take home with him. "PUT THAT THING DOWN!" "......but it would go great in my horror collection....."

9. Buys ghost hunting equipment. He's now a self proclaimed professional at this.

10. When you get scared, he'll hold you close against his chest. He smells heavenly.

Cliff Burton

1. Looks at you like you're crazy but decides to go anyway because he loves you

2. He's completely against the idea but doesn't want you going alone. He's a protective boyfriend.

3. Refuses to let you enter the building or any room first. He's ready to kick anyone's ass if they want to be stupid

4. Forgets to pack extra batteries. Relieved that you planned ahead.

5. Packs extra cigarettes. "Of course you brought those and not batteries!" ..."in my defense, I'm not a ghost hunter...."

6. Finds exploring this haunted house to be pretty cool. Finds an empty room to tell spooky stories in. He's such a dork.

7. "I swear to God if anything or anyone jumps out, I will knock your fucking head off." He's such a tough guy. Look at him puffing out his chest and showing off for you.

8. Acts tough as nails. Is low key scared af but too prideful to admit it. Winds up throwing his flashlight at something moving.

9. Will not let go of your hand for nothing. Is he scared or just being protective? Plays it off as being protective. He doesn't want you running off and getting hurt

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