Chapter 1: Foolish Games

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The Wedding of our Nightmares and its aftermath

"Duty. More than laws or faith, is the bond that holds our fragile society together. Duty to rank and title. Fidelity to one's family name. It demands both utter obedience and total sacrifice. But what happens when such duty is in conflict with the heart's true desire? Why, then, there is the potential for a considerable scandal, indeed."


Then you stood in my doorway, with nothing to say
Besides some comment on the weather
Well in case you failed to notice,
In case you failed to see,
This is my heart bleeding before you,
This is me down on my knees

Chapter Text

The wedding was a blur. Anthony did what he was asked to, as if in a trance, without thought. Until he heard the archbishop say, "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride". He hastily kissed Edwina on the cheek and looked away, as fireworks exploded in the sky. It was done! He did his duty and fulfilled Kate's demand. He glanced and saw Kate gently wiping, what others would only assume to be tears of joy. But he knew, she was mourning the demise of any hope, she had for their future. They had followed their duties above all other desires. She would return to India, as she had planned. He would have his loveless marriage, with an amiable partner, as he had planned.

But fate had other plans.

The newlyweds embarked on their honeymoon and Kate started preparing for her trip back home. She had packed her meager belongings, but as luck would have it, Lady Mary had taken ill, following all the excitement of the wedding. Kate could not leave her alone in that weakened state. Lady Danbury graciously allowed them to stay in her house, while Edwina was on her honeymoon. Mary would go live with her once Edwina returned, and Kate would go to India. Kate tended to Mary night and day, but she didn't improve. Doctors could not figure out what was wrong with her, just that she was not getting any better.

Several days had passed and Lady Danbury went off to visit her family in the country, leaving Kate and Mary at her house. One morning, Kate was reading Edwina's letters to Mary. The latest one was from Paris. The Napoleonic war was long over, and the city was once again the destination for lovers and newlyweds. Edwina described the beautiful sights and all the parties they were invited to. Kate stopped reading, when she saw Mary's breathing was becoming more labored.

Mary breathed slowly and her words were faint. "Dearest, please forgive me. I failed you." Kate was surprised to hear her mother's words. "Mama, please don't say such things." Mary continued "Please dearest, I will not be at peace, knowing I took so much from you. I pretended I didn't see, and then I told myself it was too late. I should have objected. I should have stopped the wedding. I acted worse than any evil stepmother. I stole your happiness. All so, my daughter would be Viscountess. I will not be able to face your father in the afterlife, if you do not forgive me."

Kate was shocked by her words. She knew? But she did not want to burden her sick mother. She simply held her hands and said "Mumma, you did nothing wrong. It was not your fault." Mary's breathing was even more labored, she repeated "Kate, love, I am so sorry. Please forgive me." and her eyes closed. She passed away shortly. Kate was all alone.

Kate worked silently on her duties, sent out the announcements and made arrangements for Lady Mary's funeral. On the day of the funeral, Members of the Ton started arriving to pay their respects to the Viscount's late mother-in-law. Lady Violet Bridgerton arrived with her children and for the first time in many days, Kate felt like she didn't have to wear her mask. His family had always treated her, as one of their own.

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