Chapter 11: Escape

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Anthony Bridgerton has no chill


You can run, you can hide but you can't escape my love.

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Anthony read the note again.

"I wish you and your family all the happiness in the world and hope in time you can forgive me."

He turned the page again to see the blank side. There was nothing else. He knocked the desk over and screamed out loud in frustration.

He couldn't believe this was happening. Why would she leave him after everything they said last night? After how she loved him last night? Was that yet another one of her goodbyes?

He had had enough. No more goodbyes! If she had anything to say, she would need to say that to his face. He would not accept any letter, as if anyone could call that thing, a letter. No. That was simply not acceptable. He would not accept it.

He ran to his room to grab his riding jacket and boots and then ran downstairs, his valet at his heels beseeching him to let him help. His mother was the first to see him and then his adult brothers. They were shocked by his appearance. Benedict said "Brother are you alright? We heard you scream" Anthony replied "She is gone, I have to go after her". He couldn't care less about what anyone thought or said. He had to get her back.

Violet was stunned "What? Where?" Anthony just thrust the note in her hands as his valet helped him with his boots. She read it quickly and passed on to Benedict. She asked "Anthony, what is the meaning of this? What did you do?" Anthony looked at her and said "She left me, for some plan to save our family's name. I have to get her back." Violet was shocked "No! I told her that she didn't have to" Anthony repeated "I have to go get her back." and he rushed out to the stables.

Benedict and Colin ran after him "Brother, there is a storm coming. You cannot go out now." Anthony was not in a mood to listen to anyone. His brothers or even his mother who had followed them into the stables begging him to not go. He saw his horse was missing and realized she took Jack. She couldn't have gone far in this weather, He had to get her back.

He quickly saddled another horse. He heard Colin and Benedict also get on their horses, ready to follow him. He mounted his horse and turned to see his mother frightened, begging him to not go out in the storm.

He looked at her and said "Mother, I have to go. I will get her back or I will leave with her. Goodbye" and rode out of the stable with Benedict following him. Colin assured their frightened mother, "Mother, Please go back inside, we will keep an eye on him and we will get them both back safely. We will not let him do anything foolish" and followed his brothers out in the rain.

Daphne and Simon came out of the house, hearing the commotion. They took Violet inside the house. Violet was beside herself, frightened for her children. She spoke breaking down in sobs "Kate left and Anthony went after her in the storm. And Benedict and Colin went after him. He said he will either get her back or leave with her. He is thinking of going away. My boy!" and started sobbing. Daphne and Simon were shocked to hear the extent of what was going on.

Simon spoke to Violet "Please do not worry about Anthony. He was the best rider at Oxford, he is the best rider I know, He knows how to handle horses, even in this weather. He will never harm himself or let any harm befall his brothers. They will be back soon, safe and sound. But if it reassures you, I will go after them" Then he turned to his wife "Daphne, look after your mother."

Violet said "No. You have to find Kate. If we find her, he will not leave. She said she wanted to return to India" Violet realized her boy was gone. This morning she saw a man possessed, who would not stop until he found his woman. If she wanted her son back, she must have Kate. Simon nodded "I will take my men to the docks and make inquiries about anyone matching Kate's description taking passage out of the country. We will find her." and then he left

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