Chapter 13: Can't Stop The Feeling

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Anthony Bridgerton is the official no-chill idiot. Wedding Plans start.


Ooh, it's something magical
It's in the air, it's in my blood, it's rushing on
I don't need no reason, don't need control
I fly so high, no ceiling, when I'm in my zone

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Violet was delighted. The queen herself had approved of their plan and Anthony's annulment would be accelerated. But now, she also had to plan and pull off a wedding in two weeks! The prospect of that gargantuan task tempered her joy. She instructed the Bridgerton coachman to wait at the palace for Daphne while she and the rest of their party rode back in Lady Danbury's carriage. Anthony sat next to his mother and Agatha Danbury sat next to Kate across from Anthony and Violet. But even while seated, the lovebirds were flying and visibly giddy.

Agatha feared for her precarious neck situation with the queen and was determined to stop any more foolishness. She told Kate "You are coming home with me." Anthony was unhappy with that suggestion and immediately protested "Why can't she live with us at Bridgerton Manor?" Agatha was in no mood for Anthony's nonsense and replied "I guess, I should be thankful you didn't suggest keeping her in your bachelor lodgings across town? Can you at least attempt to be respectable? Her sister won't be your wife for much longer, she cannot live under your roof before her marriage. She must remain under my protection until her wedding."

Violet apologized on Anthony's behalf "My apologies, Lady Danbury. You are absolutely right. Kate must remain under your care until the wedding" Anthony was extremely annoyed at his mother. "Why do I need to wait for two weeks? I can take her to Gretna Green today." Violet replied, exasperated "Anthony, your annulment still needs to be processed. The queen just approved our plan. We cannot throw it all away."

Kate smiled at Violet and looked at Anthony pleading with her eyes. Anthony grumbled under his breath "fine." Violet saw the look, the girl already had her son wrapped around her little finger. At least, she was more sensible than him. That could be something. She added "Anthony you must return to Aubrey Hall. I will need you there for the wedding preparations. There is a lot to be done." Anthony was petulant again "Why are you keeping me away from her, why can't we have our wedding in London?"

Violet threw up her hands in despair. Kate spoke now "My lord, this is the plan approved by the queen. A wedding in London would attract far more attention and draw undesirable comparisons to your first wedding, which was hosted by the queen."

Anthony saw the logic, but he didn't want to admit it. He grunted "hmm". And then he spat out "That wedding was all your fault" The three women looked at him stunned for a moment. Then Kate started giggling. Violet and Agatha started cackling as well. The three of them laughed at Anthony until he gave up and joined in the laugh fest, he realized he was acting like an idiot but he simply did not care. Then he asked "Kate, how will I see you? I cannot be away from you." Kate smiled "It is only a matter of two weeks. And we have a lot to do. You must help us."

Violet smiled. Kate was dutiful and sensible... and she was already on her side. The girl needed a mother, Violet could be her mother, then she would not lose her son. Perhaps this whole ordeal had a silver lining. Kate was far more suitable for her son, for her family. She could be groomed to be a powerful viscountess, a worthy successor. She looked at Danbury, who confirmed her thoughts with the slightest nod of her head.

Violet focused back on the conversation "Yes, there is a lot to be done. Two weeks is not enough even for a wedding gown. I will have to talk to the modiste" Agatha replied "leave that to me. I will take care of the bride. You handle the groom."

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