Chapter 10: Rewrite The Stars

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Duty vs Desire: Struggles continue


You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
But I can't have you
We're bound to break and my hands are tied

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Later that night, Anthony quietly entered Kate's room. He had to be even more careful as his siblings and his mother lived under the same roof. He saw as Kate stood near the window in her nightgown, as radiant as the moon whose light lit up her face. Anthony stood there for a moment, taking in her beauty and walked up to her to hold her. "I am sorry I couldn't come see you yesterday. My brothers held me up and I know my sisters were here with you."

Kate rested her head on his shoulders. She spoke softly "It is a blessing to have such loving brothers and sisters. I am only sad that my sister's actions and my own negligence has caused so much pain for them." Anthony hugged her even tighter " You have to stop blaming yourself. No one blames you." Kate looked up into his eyes and said "They do not. But I must do what I can, to remedy this situation".

Anthony was puzzled, he shook his head slightly and asked "What would you propose?' Kate answered with a finality in her voice "There is no other course of action. I must return to India. With my sister gone, I have no reason to stay here. And the sooner I leave, the sooner people will forget the scandal and your family can move forward."

Anthony felt like he was sucker punched, he released her and staggered back "No reason to stay?" He could not believe what she was saying. He started breathing harder trying to calm himself down but he couldn't.

Kate saw he was distressed and tried to calm him "Anthony, this is the only way." Anthony said, "I will go with you then. We can run away as well. I have nothing to lose now, I am already ruined."

Kate held his hand "You are not. Your mother and lady Danbury are devising a plan. You and your family will be fine, but I cannot stay. I serve no purpose other than a reminder that my sister ran away with her lover. They might even question why I remain here. That is the whole reason I have to go.

Anthony didn't care about any more plans. "Kate! I will talk to my mother and lady Danbury, they can come up with a different plan. You cannot leave me. Or, if this is the only way then I will go as well."

Kate tried to reason, "Anthony you must understand. You coming with me will create an even bigger scandal, everyone will know about us. It is too shameful a secret, There can be no further blame on you or your family. Think about your mother. Think of your innocent sisters."

Anthony was still breathing hard, unable to think anything other than how to rid himself of the growing pain in his heart. She was leaving him. "How is it so easy for you to just walk away? Do I not matter to your plans? Where will you go? To Bombay? Do you know if your sister went there with Dorset?"

Kate was puzzled. Where was he going with this? She tried to explain "I do not know where they went, but it is possible they could have gone to Bombay. Mr. Dorset has traveled in India extensively and Edwina has many friends who would still support her."

Anthony's emotions started to get the better of him, he was hurting badly and his words came out like poison "Ah, so that is why you are leaving. You choose to sacrifice me again for your sister. Tell me, once you find her, will you extend the same arrangement you had with me to Dorset?"

Kate was shocked by his words and then her shock turned to righteous anger. She answered him with a stinging slap across his face. "How dare you? I was thinking of your family. My sister is gone, maybe forever because of your scoundrel friend. And you dare accuse me?"

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