Chapter 5: Train Wreck

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What happened that afternoon. Anthony POV


Underneath our bad blood, We've still got a sanctum, home
Still a home, still a home here, It's not too late to build it back,
'Cause a one in a million chance, Is still a chance, still a chance
And I would take those odds
Unbreak the broken, Unsay these spoken words
Find hope in the hopeless, Pull me out the train wreck

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Earlier that afternoon, Anthony was busy in his office, reviewing the proposals and invoices in front of him. As a viscount, he was responsible for his province, his viscounty and ensuring it was run well. That, the families living there were prosperous and able to pay their taxes to the crown. It was extremely demanding work, attending to various administrative tasks. Not to mention his responsibilities in the parliament and most importantly to his family. Everyone wanted something from him, his money, his connections, his position and power to get things done for them. His life had been devoted to looking after the needs and wants of his family, the people he employed at his estate, the families living in his viscounty, the list was endless.

As he stared at one invoice, he thought he was seeing double. He had paid this invoice already, who sent this again? His head was spinning and he needed to look away. He looked through the window and watched Kate walk in the garden, next to her sister. Kate was the only one who had never asked for a thing. And he took from her.

Anthony put his quill down. What was he doing? She deserved so much more. He couldn't bear what he was doing to her. He had been disloyal and dishonorable. He broke her heart, married her sister and now was keeping her as his mistress. And then this morning, when she had said she had to die because of their shameful secret, he felt his world start to come apart. He wouldn't survive without her. How could he have put her in this precarious position? Anthony felt sickened by his own actions.

Then the butler announced, "Mr Thomas Dorset is here to see you my lord." Anthony was grateful for any distraction "send him in." He had not seen Dorset since their tumble in the lake several weeks ago. And then he remembered how Kate had smiled at Dorset and regretted asking him in.

Dorset walked in with his arm outstretched for a handshake. "Anthony, I am glad you could see me. You look well! I am sorry I couldn't attend your wedding." Anthony shook his hand quickly and offered him a seat "That is alright, Thomas. You are always off to some adventurous land, I wasn't certain my wedding would entice you to skip your travel. Where was it that you had traveled to this time? Dorset smiled and said "Egypt, but it was a short trip, I needed to return quickly to tend to some family matters."

Anthony nodded "Ah, of course. And how is your family?" Thomas responded "Everyone is doing well. My mother however is insistent on my marriage. Especially now that all of my friends are married. Simon and you were the last holdouts. I have no more excuses" and laughed. Anthony laughed weakly. Thomas continued, "Which brings me to the reason I am here."

Anthony nodded "Thomas, if you are looking for my permission to court Eloise, I wish you the best of luck. My sister has rejected anyone who tried to court her, my mother is fast losing hope." Thomas looked surprised "Anthony, I could never. Eloise is your little sister, I saw her as a child when we were in Oxford, coming home for the holidays. But I thank you for even considering me for her. I know you want the best for your sisters." Anthony replied "That's alright. She could do far worse than you. When Simon was courting Daphne, I thought I would get a heart attack, you are a far better person than either Simon or myself."

Thomas replied "I am flattered by your kind assessment of my character. And I hope they will assist me in securing your permission to court Miss Sharma."

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