Part 3

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Ring Ring

Khaotung's phone rang indicating someone was calling him. The sleeping Khaotung was awakened by a loud ringing sound. He sighed in annoyance because someone was disturbing his sleep. He picked up his phone which was on the table next to his bed and he answered the call without looking at the caller id.

"Hello?" He asked in a lazy voice because the sleepiness still hasn't gone away. Because who would call someone at fucking 2 am??

"WAKE UP YOUR ASS UP BITCH WE HAVE SOME IMPORTANT THING TO DO!" The called person screamed loudly causing Khao to put his phone away from his ear because the voice was so loud.

Khao look at the caller id and the person calling is... Nanon or his partner in crime. He sighed and put the phone back to his ear.

"Is that important Nanon? I'm sleepy here." Khao said and yawned.

"If it's not important I won't be calling you at 2 am bitch." Nanon cursed in the call and that made Khao scrunch his face in annoyance.

"Just wake your ass up and go here quickly." Nanon said and before Khao could reply, he quickly ended the call.

Khao sighed deeply and he had no choice but to go on. He got up and went to the bathroom, he washed his face and also brushed his teeth. After that he went to his closet and he chose a black denim jacket, black t-shirt and black jeans and he styled his hair up. After he finished styling his hair, he went to a secret room located in his room, he took out one of the books on the bookshelf. One of the books had a hole in the middle and Khao placed his hand and the secret door opened, Khao put the book back on the shelf. He entered the room and it was a room full of weapons and knives of all kinds. He finally decided to take two guns and a knife.

After that he came out of the secret room and he went downstairs, then he went to the garage where his motorcycle was. He got on the motorcycle he chose and put on his helmet, he started the engine and went to the place that Nanon mentioned.

The place Nanon meant was their secret house located on the outskirts of town. The house is tightly guarded and so it is difficult to get to the house.

That is also referred to as the place where they gather every time there is a mission or even a place for them to hang up together.

With Khao speeding on his way, he reached the house quickly. He parked his motorcycle and took off his helmet and went inside the house. He straightly go to the basement where he knew that Nanon was already waiting for him there. He opened the door to the basement and there was a room like a meeting room, and he saw Nanon and also some of their bodyguards and a girl in that room.

When he opened the door Nanon was the first one to notice him.

"Finally you're here Khao." Nanon said with a serious tone.

"What is the matter Janhae?" Khao said and the girl he called looked at him briefly before explaining what the problem was.

"Okay so someone is trying to mess with us." Janhae said seriously.

"Who is it?" Khao asked.

"It seems that we need to get revenge on this man by going to this person's company and go to his office to get information about his legal action and also for mess with us."

"And also Khao, after I looked up information on this person, he seems to be close to your parents' killer." Janhae said and he looked at Khao to see his reaction.

Khao looked like he was deep in thought.

"Khao? Are you okay?" Nanon asked him worriedly.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm good." Khao says not wanting to show what's bothering him.

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