1. ★

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TW! Mention of SA
"You have shed a thousand skins to become the person you are today."
˜"*°•.˜"*°• . •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Katana born with the name Uma Blade was snatched from her mother at the age five. She was a small quiet child. She was at the park with her mom when it happened. Her mom got distracted and Uma saw a women smiling at her holding candy.Uma waved at the women and the women motioned for Uma to come to her. Uma happily skipped to the older women and grabbed her hand.Uma looked back at her mom who was too distracted to notice. Uma tried to go back to her mother but the older women grabbed her wrist and dragged her away from the park. Uma was a quiet child who rarely spoke so she didn't say anything. Uma found herself in a car with tinted windows that smelled like cigarettes. There was a man driving and the older women was in the passenger seat.

Uma cried for her mom but the women yelled at her "shut up". Uma wasn't used to being yelled at because her mother was a sweet women who rarely raised her voice and when she did it was never at Uma. When they arrived to their destination Uma was hungry and scared. She was placed in a cage with other kids. Dirty kids who silently weeped. They all stunk and wore  little to no clothing. A older girl scooted over to Uma and whispered. "Listen and they might feed you". Uma was too young and innocent to understand.

Uma was never touched because Matt one of the men took a liking to her and wanted her to be pure.Uma still got beaten and was forced to clean and cook for the grown men. Uma watched the other kids get beaten , raped and touched. Other kids hated Uma because she didn't get "used" like they did. Only kid who liked her was Gigi. Gigi was a dark skinned girl with big chocolate eyes. She was like 7 and took care of Uma.The kids called their captors "ma and pa" it was three women and six men. At night a selected number of the kids would get let out of the cage and went to go do their "duty" for men and women who paid for their "services". Uma on the other hand cooked and cleaned for "ma and pa". She did this for years.

On Uma's  12th birthday Matt who taken a liking to her said it was time for her to mature and spread her wings. Uma knew what he meant and she was scared.Matt took Uma up to his room. "Take a shower first get pretty for me please" he whispered in her ear. Matt always did little things like touch Uma and kiss her but never took it this far. Uma feared what was gonna happen next. While Matt waited for Uma to get "pretty" for him Gigi snuck upstairs and  told Uma to leave. "What do you mean Gigi?" Uma asked. "When you go in his room take this and stab him and run out the window.the windows upstairs are the only ones not covered it's a little fall but you will be fine I promise. Leave tell people about this place save us all Uma" Gigi explained giving Uma a small sharp glass shard. "I can't" Uma cried.

Uma wrapped her head around what she had to do. she has to save them. SHE WILL SAVE THEM.she took the shard and slipped it up her sleeve. Going into Matt's room. She had on a nice dress and her curly hair in a bun. Matt grinned at her disgustingly. Matt came closer to Uma and grabbed her waist. "Let's go to the bed" he whispers. Uma panicked and stabbed Matt right away. One time wasn't enough for Uma though she stabbed him repeatedly over and over again. Blood covering her face and the  pretty white dress. Matt screamed and Uma knew that would alert the other mas and pas so she hurried out the window.

The fall hurt Uma but she ran. She ran and ran. Poor child didn't know where she was going but she ran. It was dark and she was cold and barefoot. She then saw a man and women holding a baby waiting for a taxi. She ran to them and screamed for help. "Please please please help I need help" she screamed to the couple. The couple was shocked and concerned.

Long story short the couple called the cops and the cops didn't do shit. Uma told her story over and over and the cops didn't do shit. Once again Uma was failed. Uma was placed in a adoption facility. Many couples came and adopted children but Uma sat there for five months before getting adopted by a nice couple.

Uma thought this was her chance to be happy and it was for a moment.Uma lived a nice life with her new parents. Her dad was a rich CEO and her mom was a house wife. Uma lived a great life until she turned seventeen. Uma's dad went into bankruptcy and they lost everything. Uma's parents then arranged her a marriage with a rich old white man. He gave them money and they gave him Uma.

Uma lived as a house wife. Cooking and cleaning. Taking abuse mentally and physically. Uma took his shit for years until she realized it was enough. When Uma turned nineteen she cheated on him and filed for divorce taking half of that man's money. "Baby please don't leave me" he pleaded. She laughed in his face. "Suck dick and die Murphy" she said throwing his ring at him. She left and never looked back.

Uma took her share of Murphys money and used it to start her new career. She changed her name and moved away. Uma was dead and Katana was alive.

Aye ty for reading this long ass chapter Pookie ☺️
It's only Long like this because I wanted y'all to know katana's backstory. I swear it gets better <3
Anyways Stan Katana


She's bad जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें