13. ★

9 1 0

be enough for yourself first
the rest of the world can wait
- fw

Kai's pov

My friends David and Leo invited me to a house party. Of course I said no. I'm not a party type of person. I hate being surrounded by drunk people doing dumb shit and I think I'm too old for house parties. Leo and David protested against me not going. I told them I'd only show my face and have a couple drinks.

Right now I'm at home laying down cuddling with my cat.it's about 11 pm.I've been feeling really lazy lately.I don't really go out much unless my friends drag me out. Last time I went out was with katana and her friends and that was two weeks ago. I haven't heard from katana since then. Faye told me that she's taking a break from the job and going to visit her aunty a lot which is good.I don't bother to text her because I don't really feel the need to.

As I'm laying down I hear the door bell ring. A instant sigh leaves my mouth. My cat Pebble jumps off my lap. I head downstairs to see who's at my door. They ring the doorbell again which pisses me off.

"I'm coming!FUCK." I groan before opening the door. The devil herself.. Maria. "Bro what are you doing here." I sighed clearing annoyed to see her.

She smiled and let herself into my house. "I missed you. You never text or call me back." She said with a pouty face. I closed the door behind her. "I'm busy."

She rolled her eyes "stop lying I bet you've been home all day."

˜"*°•.˜"*°• . •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Maria practically stays at my house all day. It's now around 5 ish and I start getting ready to go meet Leo and David at this house party. I take a shower and start getting dressed. "Where you going?" Maria frowns. She's standing in the doorframe or my bathroom with pebble my big cat in her hands. "My friends invited me out. I'll be back later."

She sighed "I wanna go with you papi." I sprayed my self with cologne. "I really don't feel like taking care of you , lightweight." I said leaving out the bathroom and walking into my closet. I could feel her presence behind me. "I can handle my alcohol now!" She's a liar she's never been able to control herself.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• . •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Maria ended up going with me. I really didn't have a choice she followed me. I put the directions that David sent me into the navigation in my car and drove to the locations.

Ten minutes later we arrive to the house. It's pretty dark out due to daylight savings or whatever the fuck it's called. Lots of cars parked in the driveway and on the street. I could hear the loud music coming from the large house. I got out of the car with Maria behind me.I walk into the house and instantly regret coming out and coming here.

I pushed pass the large amount of people filling this house. The smell or weed and alcohol instantly filled my nose.Maria was very close behind me I know this because I could feel her hand on my back.


I was sitting in a chair smoking a blunt playing cards with David and Leo. "Your a fucking cheater." Leo whined. David turned his head to where a large group of people were dancing. "What you looking at?"I asked looking in the direction he was looking in.

I saw katana and Faye dancing together. Damn I see these girls everywhere. "The blond is hot." Leo said snapping his head in there direction. "Nah the curly head is fine." David sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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