11. ★

21 1 0

All hail sexy katana ^

Katana's pov

I woke up nervous as fuck . I was shaking and felt like I was gonna throw up. Today is the day me and Kai are driving down to the jail house out of state to see my aunty.

I got dressed (outfit  in mm ^)  and did my hygiene stuff. I fed puma and waited for Kai to arrive to my house.

Kai arrive to my house and shot me a text to let me know he was here. "Hey, you look beautiful." Kai said opening the door for me. "Ew don't compliment me" I said getting in the car. He chuckled then closed it.

"So how is your Spanish mami" I asked him. He sighed putting the car in reverse. "I've been ghosting her.we are not together or anything."

Twenty minutes into the ride I fell asleep.I woke up when I heard Kai playing on of my favorite songs. "Tipsy" by Chole&halle.  "Oh shit" I said popping my head up.

Kai chucked "damn girl you like this song." He said. "This is my shit!. I might be a LITTLE TIPSYYY" I sang turning the music up.

We made it to the jail and I was shitting bricks. "Ima stay-" "no no Kai come in with me. Please." I begged

Me and Kai sat at the table waiting for the guards to bring my aunty in. I looked around seeing other inmates talking to their loved ones. The door opened and I saw my aunty being escorted to our table by two women guards.

"Hey Kai. Good to see you again." Tanya said looking at us confused. "Um. Tanya this is-" "Uma?" Tanya spoke "yea" I spoke softly. "Should I leave and let you guys catch up." Kai said leaving before I could protest.

"Your so beautiful. You look just like your mother." She said smiling painfully at me. I could tell she was hurt. "How is she? Can I get her number? I really need to see her!." I questioned. She looked down at her hands that where still cuffed. "Baby , your mother committed suicide five years after you was taken. She looked day and night. Even hired people with the little money she had but she couldn't live without you. I found her in the bathroom she overdosed. She left a series of letters for you though I have them in my storage I get out next year you can have them."

I couldn't see anything or feel anything. I didn't want to cry because I didn't want to upset my aunty. I know losing her only sibling had to hurt her. I gave her a weak smile and grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "It's okay aunty. I love you so much"

Tears fell down her face and I wiped them gently. "How did you meet Kai?" She asked changing the subject. "Coworkers and I saw a picture of you in his wallet so I asked him about it and now we are here" I answered "he's cute ,  isn't he?" She smirked. I giggled and said "no no we are not like that.At all"

Our time quickly passed and it was time for her to go. "Call me often please" she smiled.

Kai's pov

I was standing outside the jail Leaned against my car smoking a cigarette. When I looked out I saw Katana walking out the doors to the jail. I went to go wave at her but then she fell to the floor.

I rushed over to her. She was crying and hitting the pavement. "Hey.it's ok" I said pulling her off the ground and into my arms. "Sh..she's dead" she gasped barely being able to speak. She was crying and banging on my chest. "Baby I'm so sorry" I said holding her in my arms rocking back and forth.

We got in the car and she didn't speak. "Hey it's a park with a great view like fifteen minutes out. We could go to the store get some snacks and have a picnic" I suggested. She gave me a weak smile and shrugged.

We made it to a Walmart to get some snacks. She didn't talk or pick out anything she wanted. "Hey what's your favorite fruit?" I asked her. "Mangos and strawberries." She whispered.

We was walking by the children's outside activity isle and she tugged on my arm. "Let's get chalk please"

We made it to the park and I set up the hello kitty cover she picked out at Walmart. We sat down and she was quiet and didn't eat anything. "Hey try the mangos they are so sweet" I said putting a mango in her mouth. She smiled eating the mango. "It's so beautiful here." She said leaning on my shoulder. "I love picnics. My mom use to have them with me and I haven't had one with her sense she remarried" I sighed eating a cherry.

"Let's go over there and draw with the chalk" Katana suggested grabbing the bucket of chalk we bought. We walked over to the pavement that was near the water and sat down.

"Fuck my dog looks weird" I huffed. I then peaked over to what katana was drawing and it was a sunset. It looked so beautiful. "Damn bob Ross" I said resting my head on her shoulders. "I love doing childish stuff like this" she said with a genuine smile on her face.

I lifted my head up to look at hers. "Why?" I chuckled. "Because I didn't get to do it when I was a child." She said finishing her sunset.

It all made sense. Katana was healing her inner child. Her gaming room that's filled with stuff animals and fashion dolls. Her childish habits.she was comforting her inner child. Katana never had a proper childhood.

I grabbed the back of her neck and leaned closer to her making my lips touch hers.she quickly kissed me back grabbing my face. The kiss deepened and I wrapped my hands around her waist pulling her closer to me. When we finally pulled alway from the kiss she looked at me and laughed historically.

"What's funny" I questioned because I was so confused. She raised her hands showing me the sunset colors that where on her hands. I was still confused then she opened her phone showing me the camera. I had a sunset handprint on both of my cheeks. I started laughing with her.

They are too cute🙄 my turn when? I think Kai is my favorite character rn

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They are too cute🙄 my turn when?
I think Kai is my favorite character rn. He's so cute to katana. Hope you guys enjoyed this  chapter!
I have a TikTok where you guys can see the visual of each character and I post updates also!

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