3. ★

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Katana's pov

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Katana's pov

Me and Kai are leaving today. I'm very excited to go to a new country I never been to before. We have a couple targets so maybe I'll have time to shop and explore South Korea. I was packing my things and my dogs things. I have a tiny Yorki named "Puma". She is gonna stay at my friends Giovanna's house. I met her back back in the days when I was buying drugs in the neighborhood she lived in. We've been close every since. I had all my shit packed and I grabbed my baby Puma. "Mommy's going to South Korea to find you a rich ceo daddy" I kissed her.

After dropping off puma I texted Kai. He didn't respond which pissed me off because we supposed to meet at the airport.

Her fit^^Airport fashion >>

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Her fit^^
Airport fashion >>

I drove to the airport and grabbed me a coffee that I drunk with a straw because I don't wanna stain my teeth. I went to weigh my bags and and go to my planes terminal and I see Kai sitting next to a pretty girl talking to her. "Um hey Kai...The fuck you ain't answer my text for nigga" I said standing in front of him crossing my arms. "This is  my friend May. she's coming with us because she's fluent in Korean and I'm not" he explained. I frowned and looked at him up and down. "Damn nigga are you dumb? I didn't ask about her I asked why yo ugly ass ain't answer my text I thought you was gonna miss the flight" I said rolling my eyes. The girl next to him whispered something in a different language and I rolled my eyes.

As we board the plane Kai came behind me and whispered "she actually forced her way here now I can't get rid of her" I laughed and sat in my seat. I was in the window seat and Kai was in the middle and the girl May sat in the next section on the outside. Kai fell asleep and I took this as a moment to look at him and his features. He was beautiful and sexy at the same time. He had long hair, piercings and tattoos. He's very sexy.Very my type.

Kai (his outfit and all)

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Kai (his outfit and all)

It was cold as hell on this plane and my hot ass wore little to no clothing and they say hos never get cold. "Stop fucking shaking" he said with his eyes still closed. "I'm sorry fucker .I'm fucking cold as shit." I rolled my eyes. "Should've worn some clothes hot girl" he chuckled. I leaned a little closer to him and he sighed. He took off his very big jean jacket and threw it on me. "Here hot girl" he said rolling his eyes.I took it and put it on "thanks" I looked over at his friend May and she mugged me then looked away quickly.

It's been 5 hours already and I was fucking bored and Kai was sleep..again. "Hey Kai why we not in first class" I whispered to him. "Company ain't give us first class..now shut the fuck up" he mumbled. "Would think they would give us the best since we are the best in the company" I complained. "Right" he mumbled.

I was shaking my leg kinda fast. That happens to me when I'm anxious or have a anxiety attack.Kai put his hand on my thigh and said "Stop all that fucking shaking...damn". He kept his hand on my thigh and it honestly gave me butterflies. I'm not no fucking simp I don't feel butterflies over a fucking nigga but this dude got something on me. I could feel the coldness of his rings on my leg it gave me shivers. "You got adhd or something?" He said looking at me.It was the first time we made eye contact this whole flight. "No I'm just bored and anxious I always shake." I answered.

He slid his hand down my leg and removed it. As soon as he removed it automatically my leg started shaking again. He sighed and placed his hand back on my leg. "Your shaking is scaring me.we are on a fucking plane" he mumbled.

I was sleeping when I felt someone whisper in my ear "wake yo sleepy ass up.snoring like a baby". The voice woke me up and I looked at Kai and frowned. "Nigga leave me alone" I groaned and closed my eyes again. "Alright ima leave you in this fucking plane" he said so sassy. My eyes popped open "WE ARE HERE?!!" I stood up waiting for the other people to walk by so we could grab our carry ons and exist the plane as well.

"Where we going first" I said excited "to the hotel" Kai yawned "I'm sleepy" he added. I frowned "that is boring and we have to work tomorrow. "Go explore yourself.I'm not here to party. I'm here to work" Kai said. "Your gonna leave a girl in a foreign country by herself?" I scoffed. "Your a big girl you can handle yourself" he rolled his eyes.

So we ended up going to the hotel our company booked for us. "The hotel only gave us two rooms I forgot to tell them about my guest." Kai sighed. "Me and you can share a room" May said. That was her first sentence the whole trip. "Nah I'll buy my own room" Kai said. "We shared a bed before" she mumbled but we heard her.

Kai tried to buy a new room but the lady said no rooms would be available anytime soon.I guess this is a popular high end hotel and it's hard to get a room. "So what are we gonna do?" May questioned. "I don't know" I shrugged not giving a fuck. "You and Mai can share a room.y'all are both women" Kai suggested. "I really don't feel comfortable sharing a bed with her I sleep in the nude" may pouted. " but you wanna sleep with Kai tho" I mumbled.  "Well me and Katana can share a room we need to talk privately about business stuff anyways.I'll sleep on the sofa" he said then walked away heading to the elevator.May looked at me with a mug and I just shrugged and followed behind Kai.

Me and Kai were in our room and I was looking around. "This is nice." I told Kai. He only replied with a "mmhm". "Aye Kai where's the sofa?" I questioned him. "Hotels usually have sofas or sofa beds" he sighed.

"I'm not sleeping in a bed with you" he said looking me up and down. "What the fuck is wrong with me" I said highly offended. "The only women who are in my bed are naked." He said looking me up and down. "Good thing this isn't your bed this is the hotels bed." I said and he smacked his lips. "I call dibs on the shower." I told him grabbing a towel and heading into the hotel bathroom.

Kai's pov.

Since katana was in the shower I was taking her bags from in front of the door and put it in the closet. "Damn why this shit so heavy" I mumbled. My curiosity got the best of me and I opened her bag. "Looks like clothes" I mumbled. I looked under the clothes and it was guns and knifes. "Umm katana your bitch ass could have got us arrested what the fuck" I yelled. Gun are very illegal in Korea.how tf did she get this through security.

I heard the bathroom door open and I looked behind me to see katana at the door with a towel wrapped around her. "What the fuck girl put some clothes on" I said looking away. "Why you call my name then" she said walking back into the bathroom.

"No but for real how did you get these through security." I questioned her. "Flirted with the guy who did baggage check. He was so distracted that I slid my bag through" she giggled. Wtf.

That's all kinda boring idk 🤷🏽‍♀️ but lmk if y'all prefer long chapters or short chapters.
sometimes I get carried away and keep writing and writing.
Pls give me feedback I enjoy reading comments <3

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