Draw to life chatacters

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Hey y'all! It's me, Squidgi here!

This is a little bit different... This isn't the next chapter yet. But I thought before continuing the story I thought I'd introduce some characters that will be featured in these stories. Although idk how often I will use them but I thought I made this into a list of descriptions of some characters from a 5th cell game called "draw to life" which Drew happens to be from. These descriptions will feature his friends and their partners.. there are 4 in game characters going to be introduced, and there will be some OCs that I have made. And I believe there is 2 of them.

I did have a little help from a friend of mine with making these OCs..

Loocus_boocus, if you read this, shoutout to you my guy!

Now anyways on with the descriptions.

[Heather Row]

Birthday: December 24th 2003 (♑)

Likes: her family and friends, ice cream, traveling, the color green.

Dislikes: spicy food, bullies, ignorance, pridephobics, insensitive people.

Sexuality: 🖤🤎🤍💜 Asexual

Gender: cis female

Pronouns: she/her

Heather Row is an older teen girl from the town of Belleview, located close to Scribbleville. There, she lives with her brother Mike and her uncle Owen. She likes to hang out with her friends at the local ice cream parlor and at the various other shops downtown.
She often travels with her friend Drew to Scribbleville to visit and hang out with the Scribblenauts. Mike often likes to tag along with her (sometimes to her dismay...) and together they like to adventure out into Captial City with the Scribblenauts to check out the shops and restaurants.

Heather herself is pretty tough considering what she's been through. She is fairly stubborn and can even come off as rude at times. Despite this, she loves her brother and friends dearly and will stand up for them whenever someone tries to bring them down. She is actually a softie deep down inside, but it takes a lot of effort and trust to bring that side of her out.

She is part of the LGBTQ+ group and strongly advocates for their rights. She is asexual and loves to answer questions people have regarding her sexuality.

[Mike Row]

Birthday: October 22th 2005 (♏)

Likes: stargazing, video games, outdoors, bonfires, riding his scooter, his friends and family

Dislikes: shadow beings, bullies, being alone, raw vegetables, pridephobics

Sexuality: 💗💛💙 Pansexual

Gender: 🤎💙🤍💙🤎 Demiboy

Pronouns: He/They

Mike is a teenager who lives in Scribbleville's nextdoor town, Belleview. They live with their uncle Owen and their older sister Heather. He spends most of his day hanging out with friends, whether it be playing video games or going to the park. He also enjoys going to the ice cream parlor with his sister.

SCRIBBLESTORIES: FUTURE EDITION (A FANFIC compilation)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora