Planning to Tobysit

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I smiled at the thought of his family accepting us as a couple. I went to the back kitchen in order to wrap up my things with a big, happy grin sitting comfortably on my face.

Slipping my backpack onto my shoulders, I bowed respectfully to everyone in the coffee shop bidding them "goodbye" as i headed out the door once more; heading towards my parked car up front. Just as I put my key into the ignotion -ring- my phone started ringing and my attention instantly shifts to my phone. I reached over to the passenger seat to see who would call me at this time. The name "Sarah" was writen on my phone screen. I slid my finger over the answer button. "Hello?" A loud, dramatic sigh could be heard from the other line. "Luhan? Thank goodness you picked up! Could you do me a solid? I recently got a new puppy, Toby, remember?" Right when she asked that question, my memory flashbacked to the moment to whenshe announced the news. My throat automatically hummed in agreement. "Since you are the most humble and patient friend i have, can you stay at my house to take care of him while i go to Busan? He can be a bit... Tiring." I don't seem to have made any plans with Xiumin for the weekend, but i sure would want to spend the next few days with him. "Is it okay if i bring Xiumin along?" I heard a soft giggle "Oh of course you can.I will be leaving after school tomorrow." We both said out Goodbyes and I hurriedly texted Xiumin. After sending the text, I set my phone down on my lap and started my journey home.Some odd minutes had passed and Xiumin still has not replied to my text. When i was about to go crazy, there was a light vibration on my lap. Hoping that it was Xiumin I pulled over to check my phone. The corners of my mouth were tugged toward my ears. "Dogsitting? Toby?! A million times yes!"I can imagine him jumping up and down adorably due to the excitment. "Sarah told me right after school tomorrow."

I pulled into the parking lot and went to unlock my door, setting my keys onto the counter. I ran to my room across the hallway. My apartment is pretty spacious for just one person if you ask me.After dramatically jumping on my bed and almost falling off i finally got comfortable under my sheets and checked my phone one last time before going to bed. "Okay! I love spending time with you anyways." Another big smile was brought onto my face after reading the text. I tapped the reply button and types "Okay I'll drive you to her house tomorrow. I am going to sleep now. I love you!"

Me and my baozi (Xiuhan)Where stories live. Discover now